The Lies We Tell Ourselves - the Dangers of Rationalization
In my security consulting work I have often observed that persons who do bad things, such as steal or assault others, made their actions right in their own minds by rationalizing their actions.
They told themselves, "She deserved it," "The company won't miss it," "Everybody does it," "They've got it coming," etc.
Criminals aren't the totally evil villains we see in the movies, but are usually fairly normal persons who have rationalized themselves into wrongdoing they might not have considered years before.
Each and every one of us rationalizes.
We tell ourselves little lies that justify our beliefs, perspectives and actions.
Often those "lies" are sins of omission in which we conveniently ignore those facts that don't fit our rules and perspectives.
For example, all religions, even though they may believe that their holy book is the word of God, convenientlyfocus on and emphasize only those verses that justify their particular beliefs.
Consider that the various Christian denominations emphasize those verses that validate their own position on salvation, whether by baptism, good works or accepting Jesus as savior.
Those verses that may contradict their doctrines are diminished or even ignored.
Politics is another part of our world that particularly lends itself to uncompromising rationalization.
Every day, on radio and TV, Democrats and Republicans alike dwell at length upon the missteps and misconduct of the other side and forget and forgive entirely the misdeeds of their guys.
Remember how Republicans screamed in protest over the dirty tricks of Clinton operatives like James Carville and now aggressively justify the same sort of behavior from the likes of Karl Rove? Likewise, those on the extremes of the divisive issues such as abortion, gun control, capital punishment and immigration almost always ignore and disparage the arguments of the other sides.
Seldom, for example, do pro-lifers consider the significance of the right of privacy nor do pro-choicers consider when life might begin.
The extremes scorn any discussion that may occur in the middle.
While such rationalizations and justifications limit us and impede societal progress, the real danger is when those small lies we tell ourselves evolve into the big, toxic lies.
When anti-semitic prejudice evolves into the Holocaust.
When resentment of western involvement in the Middle East grows into Islamist Jihad.
When Jesus' words of love are twisted into hatred for gays and Muslims.
When the folly and harm of a poorly conceived and managed war is disregarded in the name of patriotism.
Each of us must always remain vigilant to the lies we inevitably tell ourselves.
If we consider ourselves at all intellectually honest we must always consider our beliefs and perspectives and whether they are based upon a balanced and comprehensive appraisal of all of the available facts and not just of those that validate our viewpoints.
They told themselves, "She deserved it," "The company won't miss it," "Everybody does it," "They've got it coming," etc.
Criminals aren't the totally evil villains we see in the movies, but are usually fairly normal persons who have rationalized themselves into wrongdoing they might not have considered years before.
Each and every one of us rationalizes.
We tell ourselves little lies that justify our beliefs, perspectives and actions.
Often those "lies" are sins of omission in which we conveniently ignore those facts that don't fit our rules and perspectives.
For example, all religions, even though they may believe that their holy book is the word of God, convenientlyfocus on and emphasize only those verses that justify their particular beliefs.
Consider that the various Christian denominations emphasize those verses that validate their own position on salvation, whether by baptism, good works or accepting Jesus as savior.
Those verses that may contradict their doctrines are diminished or even ignored.
Politics is another part of our world that particularly lends itself to uncompromising rationalization.
Every day, on radio and TV, Democrats and Republicans alike dwell at length upon the missteps and misconduct of the other side and forget and forgive entirely the misdeeds of their guys.
Remember how Republicans screamed in protest over the dirty tricks of Clinton operatives like James Carville and now aggressively justify the same sort of behavior from the likes of Karl Rove? Likewise, those on the extremes of the divisive issues such as abortion, gun control, capital punishment and immigration almost always ignore and disparage the arguments of the other sides.
Seldom, for example, do pro-lifers consider the significance of the right of privacy nor do pro-choicers consider when life might begin.
The extremes scorn any discussion that may occur in the middle.
While such rationalizations and justifications limit us and impede societal progress, the real danger is when those small lies we tell ourselves evolve into the big, toxic lies.
When anti-semitic prejudice evolves into the Holocaust.
When resentment of western involvement in the Middle East grows into Islamist Jihad.
When Jesus' words of love are twisted into hatred for gays and Muslims.
When the folly and harm of a poorly conceived and managed war is disregarded in the name of patriotism.
Each of us must always remain vigilant to the lies we inevitably tell ourselves.
If we consider ourselves at all intellectually honest we must always consider our beliefs and perspectives and whether they are based upon a balanced and comprehensive appraisal of all of the available facts and not just of those that validate our viewpoints.