Breast Reconstruction Complications
- While a certain amount of bleeding can be expected after surgery, in some instances, the blood may not clot properly. This can cause bleeding at the surgical site or inside the wound. For this reason, avoid medications that are known to reduce blood clotting, such as aspirin, vitamin E or garlic tablets.
- The incisions and surgical instrument insertions may cause nerve damage or even nerve severing during surgery. While some of the nerves heal with time, there is a possibility that symptoms such as loss of sensitivity can occur permanently. This type of nerve damage is most common in the areola area of the breast, according to
- While bruising (also known as hematoma) is typical following surgery, a permanent complication can include hyperpigmentation. This condition occurs when dark spots that may first appear as bruises do not fade over time. If this complication occurs, laser or pulsed light treatments may heal blood vessels.
- Tissue necrosis occurs when breast tissue dies due to a lack of blood to the breast tissue. Following surgery, necrotic tissue, which may be orange in appearance, drains from the incision. Untreated necrosis can cause major complications, including gangrene or an infection that results in hospitalization.
- Pulmonary Thromboemboli is a blood clot found in the lung. Breast reconstruction patients are more likely to experience this occurrence when reconstruction is performed in conjunction with liposuction. Because a clot in the lung can cause serious complications, such as difficulty breathing, unexplained fatigue, stroke, cardiac arrest or other symptoms associated with distress, patients must seek immediate medical treatment.