Get Rid of Manboobs – 8 Things You Can Do Right Now
For guys who want to get rid of manboobs, the difference between those who succeed in reaching their goals, and those who fail is normally one thing. The failures go big in the beginning and the winners usually start small. The failures try to overhaul their bad habits in a matter of days, while the winners do it over a longer period of time.
So if you seriously want to get rid of manboobs, follow the countless other guys who have reached their goals: just start out with small changes to your lifestyle.
If you can't think of any way you can start small, I've created a list of 8 steps you can take (right now) that are simple and can be done right now. They don't require fancy equipment or lots of thinking so I think that you don't have any excuses why you can't fit these into your life. Check them out:
1.) Comfortably Full
For people who want to lose weight and fat, a lot of them will count calories to ensure they are eating less. Don't waste your time. Instead, listen to your body. When eating a meal or snack, eat until you are "comfortably full". This means eating until you are 80% full. When you avoid stuffing yourself you are going to find that weight will come off more easily.
2.) Avoid The Treadmill
I hate the treadmill. I find most other people do. Yet, when you go to the gym you find that there are countless people running on them. If you enjoy the treadmill, then by all means use it. But if you don't, go and do activities that you enjoy. Here's a few off the top of my head: trail-hiking, bicycling, pickup basketball, a softball league, swimming, playing outside with your kids, golf, disc-golf, ping-pong and so on. Don't think too hard about this one.
3.) Asking For Help
You have a ton of free resources around you to help you reach your goal to get rid of manboobs. You have friends, family and co-workers who have all had some experience either losing weight or getting into shape. Talk to them! See what works. See what they have tried. You also have the internet with tons of free information (granted, you will have to comb through a lot of it to find good information). There are forums with people who are all trying to do the same thing you are. This can be one of the most helpful steps on this list, if you actually take action on it!
4.) Measuring...
Finding a way to measure your goal is proven to increase the chances that you reach it. To get rid of manboobs that's easy: measure your bust size once a week. If you are making any changes to your lifestyle, the chances are good that you will make some sort of impact. If you make a lot of changes you will be able to see the effect every week from your measurements.
5.) Less Carbs, More Protein
If you hate "dieting", take a simpler approach. Take a small step by eating less bread and pasta. Also, eat a little more meat, fish and nuts. This is extremely simple, so don't over-think this one. Making a tiny change like this can bring you surprising results in your effort to get rid of manboobs.
6.) Exercise At Home
If you think you "need" to have a gym membership to get the best exercise, you are wrong. Some of the best exercises for your body require no gym equipment. If you are not sure you can consistently workout, try a simple workout routine at home. Do as many sit-ups and push-ups as possible in 15 minutes. Do this three times a week. Every week try to make it longer and add an exercise in there. If you can keep it up for a month, then maybe you should think about a gym membership. The point is you don't "need" one.
7.) Cut Back On The Soda
If you currently drink pop right now, you need to figure out a way to drink less. In a perfect world you wouldn't drink any, but the fact of the matter is that you if you can just drink less than you are now, you will help yourself out a lot in your quest to get rid of man boobs. If you can just try and drink one less can a day and go from there, you are taking that first small step that can be a bigger one down the road.
8.) Do Something NOW!
If you are going to be one of those few people who decide they want to do something and finally get rid of manboobs, but then never take any action, then so be it. But if you'd like to join the rest of the guys who actually succeeded in reaching that goal, then decide right now that you are going to take action right now, even it is a small step like throwing away the soda in your hands.
I can't urge you enough that the most important thing you can do is something, really anything that involves you living a healthier lifestyle. If you think that everything has to be perfect for you to start, you will fail. Stop making excuses and start right now!