What Time of Day Should Grass Be Watered?
- Early morning is the best time of day to water grass. Watering should be done before the heat of the day begins to strike. The exact time will depend on your location and climate. In hot, dry locations, this may be between 4 a.m. and 6 a.m., while in cooler locations it could be between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. The idea is to water before heat and wind arrive to evaporate the water.
- If watering during the early morning hours is not possible, nighttime watering is an acceptable alternative. Grass should be watered after 10 p.m. to achieve the benefits of night watering. As with early morning watering, applying water late at night helps reduce the rate of evaporation. It also prevents too many hours of excess moisture, which can lead to lawn disease and other problems.
- Midday watering is not as effective as early morning or nighttime watering because heat and wind will cause much of the water to evaporate before it ever reaches the grass blades. This means less water will absorb into the soil, and longer watering times will be required to achieve the same penetration as watering during other times of day.
- Evening is the worst time of day to water grass. Not only is evaporation from sun and wind a problem, but the soil will remain moist for too long. A lawn should not be allowed to remain wet for more than 14 hours. Continuous moisture invites disease and fungus that can cause serious problems. Rather than watering in the evening, it's better to water at night or early in the morning to avoid evaporation and disease.