Online Dating Services: 10 Good Tips for You
How reputable is the online dating service that you are considering signing up with? Do they advertise on local and national television? Do they back up their site with guarantees about your personal safety? Do plenty of searches to verify the security of the service you are considering.
One bad thing about online dating services is that some don't have checks in place to verify the single status of their members.
Does the online dating service you are considering have any guarantees about member status? 3.
Be leery of daters on an online dating service asking for money or help out in financial situations of any kind.
Overseas men and women both are notorious for scamming people out of money.
Ask your service how they handle this and always be alert.
Don't sign up for any email service that allows your email address to be seen without you giving permission for someone to have it.
Internet spammers will abuse this function and you will be flooded with spam in a heartbeat.
If the online dating services you are considering require you to post your address (anything more than your city) then be aware of potential risks.
There have been situations where people have shown up at residential addresses without even speaking with the online dater.
Use the same intuitions and gut feelings that you use when you are going on an actual date when you use and online dating service.
In other words, if your gut tells you that somebody is going to be a problem or too much to take, don't even begin the communication process.
A great tip about online dating services is to never give out any information than you absolutely have to until you meet the person.
If the online dating service you are considering requires your screen name to be your real, actual name then it shouldn't be considered.
An alias or other title is better as anyone can find your info online with a few searches.
Don't absolutely ignore the people that contact you first, but be alert that these are the people that could possibly be targeting others.
It is a good idea to be invisible (if that is an option) until you decide to contact someone or feel comfortable enough with the site to begin communicating.
Realize that you can get any number of free email accounts on the web without having to do too much as far as real information.
A good tip about online dating services is to get a few email aliases that aren't your real name and use them to sign up with.
Once this is done you can communicate with a little more comfort.
Before ever meeting someone from an online dating service ensure that you have several friends or family alerted to where you are going.
Have a cell phone handy that everyone knows and make sure you give an update here or there (bathroom breaks, etc.
) to let them know of your progress.