Allow Yourself A Bit More Sometimes
"Frustration" - everybody knows what it means.
Very often it is a result of a tough diet.
If you have food limitations during long time you may get a stress sometimes.
Stress can disturb your metabolism.
So the situation is bad both psychologically and physiologically.
It may put an end to your weight loss program.
How to avoid it? To avoid it I recommend you to indulge yourself from time to time with something not very health-giving but tasty.
I also recommend you to adhere to following simple rules.
Your diet breaking must be planned but not casual.
You can get some nice cake on weekend being outside the town.
In this case: - You easily burn received calories having nice active rest.
- From the other side if you would like to have diet breaking in the middle of the week remember about planned weekend cake (absolutely allowable) and your desire will vanish.
Don't eat but bite dainty off.
If you take dainty than try to cut a bit of it and get it not distracting on other things (conversation, TV ...
Feel the dainty and most likely you will enjoy it not adding another piece.
Sometimes people after casual diet breaking say themselves - "Now it is nothing to lose!" It is completely wrong! If you ate an ice cream it is diet breaking of course but to continue eat sweeties thinking "that now all is lost" will make situation much worse.
Nothing is lost! If you will not add to already eaten peace of cake all that is remained from it the situation could be improved much easier.
Holidays, meeting with friends are serious temptation.
Follow these rules sitting at the table: - Choose dishes that are closest to your diet.
Give preference to salads from fresh vegetables.
- Limit portions.
Try not to eat but taste dishes.
- Eat fruits.
They will draw away your appetite from other meal.
- Drink water while eating.
If you broke diet than not blame yourself too hard.
Think better that tomorrow you will balance this excess food.
Simply make your next day meal with minimum calories.
Be healthy, Nataly
Very often it is a result of a tough diet.
If you have food limitations during long time you may get a stress sometimes.
Stress can disturb your metabolism.
So the situation is bad both psychologically and physiologically.
It may put an end to your weight loss program.
How to avoid it? To avoid it I recommend you to indulge yourself from time to time with something not very health-giving but tasty.
I also recommend you to adhere to following simple rules.
Your diet breaking must be planned but not casual.
You can get some nice cake on weekend being outside the town.
In this case: - You easily burn received calories having nice active rest.
- From the other side if you would like to have diet breaking in the middle of the week remember about planned weekend cake (absolutely allowable) and your desire will vanish.
Don't eat but bite dainty off.
If you take dainty than try to cut a bit of it and get it not distracting on other things (conversation, TV ...
Feel the dainty and most likely you will enjoy it not adding another piece.
Sometimes people after casual diet breaking say themselves - "Now it is nothing to lose!" It is completely wrong! If you ate an ice cream it is diet breaking of course but to continue eat sweeties thinking "that now all is lost" will make situation much worse.
Nothing is lost! If you will not add to already eaten peace of cake all that is remained from it the situation could be improved much easier.
Holidays, meeting with friends are serious temptation.
Follow these rules sitting at the table: - Choose dishes that are closest to your diet.
Give preference to salads from fresh vegetables.
- Limit portions.
Try not to eat but taste dishes.
- Eat fruits.
They will draw away your appetite from other meal.
- Drink water while eating.
If you broke diet than not blame yourself too hard.
Think better that tomorrow you will balance this excess food.
Simply make your next day meal with minimum calories.
Be healthy, Nataly