Landlords Insurance Coverage Is Your Friend! Nine Things to Talk to Your Insurance Agent About
many times on something you will never see a payout from.
The insurance companies employ actuaries to make an assessment on how risky a particular situation is and to help them understand what an associated business model would need to look like in order for them to be profitable while still providing a valuable service.
insurance companies are in business to make money...
that's not a bad thing.
The important thing here to realize is that by stepping into this "profession" you're taking on risk.
Many small time landlords (the simple landlords like you and I) might be stretched for money and not think that Landlord's insurance coverage is worth while.
BELIEVE ME, even though the insurance companies are in it to make money it's still worth it for you to pay them my friend! Beyond the landlord liability issues we've discussed previously, you need to understand that one unforeseen issue that you aren't prepared for could tank your blossoming business and take the investment you've made in your home along with it.
Buying a home is a huge investment and renting it out can be risky, not being prepared for some risk you hadn't thought about could put your financial future at stake.
Do the smart thing and speak with an insurance agent that you or a friend of yours trusts about the right amount of insurance coverage for your rental property.
I've included a checklist below of things you should think about asking your insurance agent about with respect to landlords insurance coverage that they might offer.
Landlords - Insurance Covers some of the following liabilities (speak with a real estate attorney or insurance broker to understand the specifics for your situation):
- Tenant Injuries
- Mold
- Secondhand Smoke
- Fires
- Pool / Spa Injuries
- Crime on Premises
- Other Environmental Hazards
- Negligence Injuries
- Dog Bites