Tips For Choosing Football Cleats
Shoe Material
Leather - The most comfortable and durable cleats are those made of leather. Generally they are softer, allowing the feet room to breathe and in turn increasing the comfort. Leather shoes are also more flexible which enhances performance levels. Shoes of this material are normally higher end and more expensive.
Synthetics - For a cheaper option then synthetic cleats are the second choice. The majority of all football cleats have an aspect of synthetics. This is usually to provide added protection in the sole and ankle areas. Synthetics, although not been as durable, are long lasting and require less maintenance than leather.
Type of Cleat
Molded - There are two main type of cleats available, molded and detachable. Molded cleats have studs permanently attached to them. These are specifically used for harder surfaces to provided extra spring and comfort.
Detachable - Detachable cleats use studs which can be removed and replaced as and when required. Those playing on a range of fields will benefit from this type as you have the option to change according to the conditions. Shorter studs are used for dry fields and longer ones when the grass is softer or wet. Detachable shoes have a range of between 6 and 12 studs, which can be of plastic or metal. Of the two molded are, more often than not, less expensive.
Size and Maintenance
Size - When trying for the first time always do so in the afternoon, when feet have swollen from normal daily activity. Trying with sports socks will also help in finding the right pair. This will determine the exact size required. Selecting the right size is paramount to achieving peek performance levels.
Maintenance - Always break in a new pair of cleats as they will feel better once they have been worn a few times. Make sure to regularly check the condition of the studs and replace when necessary. Clean and protect footwear after every game or training session.
In today's market there are hundreds of football cleats to choose from. Whichever pair you decide upon be sure that they are comfortable and able to perform at the highest level.