How to Install Tile, and When Can Spacers Be Removed?
- 1). Measure the length and width of the area where you will install the tile. Multiply the length in inches by the width in inches, then divide by 144 to determine the square feet. Purchase enough tiles, thin-set and grout to cover the area, plus 5 to 10 percent extra to account for broken tiles and mistakes.
- 2). Lay one row of tiles across the surface and a perpendicular row crossing it, to test the fit. Don't use adhesive yet. Insert tile-spacers in the corners between tiles for correct spacing. Arrange the layout with full tiles in prominent areas. Account for the likelihood of cut tiles in inconspicuous areas where possible. Remove the tiles and spacers after testing the fit.
- 3). Apply thin-set adhesive to the surface to be tiled, then drag the notched side of the trowel across to distribute it. Notched trowels create channels in the adhesive for uniform thickness. Squared notches work best on floors or counters, while V-shaped notches are better for walls. Apply enough thin-set to set one or two rows of tile at a time. Leave the ends of the surface bare where cut tiles will go; you will cut and install them later. Scrape excess thin-set off the trowel back into the container.
- 4). Set the first row of tiles, beginning with a full tile, and work toward the area where cut tiles are required. Place a tile spacer at each corner of the first tile. As you set more tiles, insert a spacer at each corner that doesn't already have a spacer. Butt the tiles firmly against the spacers. Build out evenly from the first row to set each full tile.
- 5). Measure the space at the end of a row for a cut tile. Transfer that measurement to one tile and mark with a ruler and a pencil. Place the tile on the platform of the tile-cutting tool. Lower the cutter's handle, apply pressure, and drag the scoring device across the tile at the penciled line. Scoring breaks the glaze on the tile. Press down on the handle to snap the tile along the scored line. Apply thin-set to the back of the cut tile with the notched trowel, and place the tile at the end of the row. Repeat this process for each cut tile. Remove the spacers, using needle-nose pliers, once the thin-set is completely dry.
- 6). Apply grout to the tiles with the grout float. Grout floats are like trowels with a spongy surface. Drag the edge of the float over the tiles, back and forth and diagonally, to pack grout into the grout lines. Scrape excess grout off the float. Drag the cleaned float across the tiles to remove excess grout. Wipe the tiled surface with a damp sponge. Use a light touch, and don't disturb the grout lines. After grout dries, buff the tiles with a clean, soft rag to remove the grout haze or film.