How to Maintain Humidity Level in a Humidor
- 1). Season your humidor before you start using it. Take a clean cloth or sponge and pour a little distilled water onto it. Wipe down the entire inside surface of the humidor with the cloth. Leave the sponge in the empty humidor and allow the wood to absorb the liquid during the next day. When the wood absorbs the distilled water it prevents it from sapping any additional humidity meant for the cigars.
- 2). Use distilled water or polypropyl liquid to ensure humidity. Remove the humidification device from your humidor, and pour the liquid into the device. Do not overfill the device-just make sure it is saturated, wiping away any excess liquid. Place the device back into your humidor. As the liquid evaporates, the liquid will humidify your humidor and your cigars. Repeat this step when the device dries.
In drier climates, use distilled water to get the humidor up to the proper humidity. Polypropyl liquid is a distilled water substitute that allows for a time release of moisture. It raises the humidity level quickly but prevents the humidor from getting too humid, which can also be bad for cigars. - 3). Refrain from excessively opening and your humidor, as this will cause your humidor to lose humidity. Only open your humidor when adding cigars, taking cigars, or if you are rearranging them for long term storage.