How to Kill Raspberry Ants
- 1). Contact a professional exterminator and ask for liquid fipronil. As of 2010, the only known effective treatments for Rasberry ants---including fipronil---must be procured through certified professionals.
- 2). Following directions on the container, create a buffer zone by lightly spraying the pesticide around buildings you don't want the ants to enter. For instance, spray around foundations, doors, windows, pipes, vents or where wires or cables enter the structure. Make sure to remove any objects that could prevent a uniform layer of treatment. Do not spray higher than 3 feet or more than 10 feet away from the foundation.
- 3). Repeat treatment twice annually, preferably in early spring, when ants are building their nests, and in late summer, to keep future populations down.
- 4). Use a leaf blower or vacuum to remove accumulated bodies of dead ants. Since Rasberry ants tend to congregate in large numbers, piles of dead ants can protect surviving ants hiding underneath. However, sweeping the ants can remove the pesticide treatment.