Grace and Peace in Babylon (Scarlet Threads - Part Thirty-Nine)
1600's A.
Grace and Peace in Babylon.
Another peace-monger of the day is George Fox, the famous Quaker.
From his Journal, we extract a conversation between himself and a known Romanist, on how to find the ultimate peace, peace with God: The Fox asks him how a person finds salvation in Rome.
The answer, A good life.
Nothing more? Nothing, just good works.
And what brings salvation outside of Rome? Here Fox quotes the verse that says that it is the grace of God that brings salvation.
Though this grace has indeed appeared to all men(Titus 2:11), "mystics" in and out of Rome continue to seek more than God has offered.
Those who have no desire for the truth revealed are bound to be deceived by other revelations.
One such mystic receives in 1673 a confirmation of the "sacred heart" devotion sponsored for so long by Rome.
Her name is Margaret Mary Alacoque.
The Catholic Encyclopedia says that the Lord Himself appeared to Margaret on three separate occasions, telling her to spread devotion of the "sacred heart," and telling her specifics of the ritual that was to be developed on earth, including a new feast day.
The Jesuits are singled out to help spread the word.
In tracing "sacred heart" history, that same Encyclopedia quotes Pius XII as saying that the Bible is silent about venerating the physical heart of Jesus.
For a man of the Word, that's the end of such talk.
It's not in the Book, let's forget it.
Not so in Rome.
Even though it is not until the late Middle Ages that there is specific documentation for such a practice, the Church carries on with it today as though it were indeed a direct revelation from Christ.
Which means that the people of God must believe the Bible PLUS any private revelation approved in Rome.
Does not sound consistent with their anathema on Protestant private interpretations.
There are traces of the "Sacred Heart" devotion on down to Alacoque's time, but it is she who is destined to bring it into sharp focus and great popularity in the Catholic world.
Based on the fact that Jesus' heart was indeed broken for mankind, and his love poured out as physical blood, we are told that, therefore, Jesus wants us to honor his physical heart by various ritual prayers and adoration of certain icons, both at mass and in the home.
Those who will thus "enthrone" Jesus, and yes, attempt to model their lives after his attributes, are promised certain specific blessings.
No Christian will object to following the attributes of Jesus, patterning our lives after Him, walking in His steps.
These are revealed truths.
I call into question the rest of the story, the private revelation reportedly given to this "saint.
" (for such she is called, now.
) Let's examine her life, first, from her own autobiography, published by Tan Books and Publishers, Rockford, IL, in 1986.
(first published, with Imprimatur, in 1930.
) As a good Catholic girl growing up, she would never address Jesus, but only Mary.
Even Mary rebukes her for her slovenly way of serving.
Thus Margaret Mary first perceives her guilt and unworthiness.
Later, upon hearing of the sufferings of Christ, she too desires to suffer.
Unwilling to allow Christ to bring her through whatever trials and fire may come to purge her, she brings the suffering on herself.
Offered many proposals of marriage, she resists them as from the devil.
(Bible students are now understanding what is being described here.
) She considers herself a martyr by refusing marriage.
Underlying all of this is a message that she really did want to marry, unlike Paul and others who seem to have had a particular gift for continence.
Her guilt grows.
Knowing how much Christ has suffered, and how little she has suffered, she begins to self-mutilate her body.
But, alas, "the humiliations and contradictions were...
continually increasing rather than decreasing...
The fear that I had of offending God was a greater torment to me than all the rest...
" Obviously this is not the way to peace with God.
But she doesn't give up, and tries to "mortify" her flesh by doing things she previously hated, such as looking at wounds.
Not only does she look at and dress them, but kisses them.
Not content merely to clean someone's vomit, she now partakes of it...
To this woman, sick much of her life,told by her superiors that she is possessed by a demon, guilt-ridden, "Jesus" appears with some rather startling revelations: She is to possess the treasures of Jesus' heart and distribute them to others.
Jesus will use her heart as a channel for these treasures, to save people from hell.
Jesus identifies Himself as a "holy Master", pure, who cannot endure even the slightest imperfections.
And tells her that He will live in her so as to hold regular conversations of this sort.
There is more.
This is enough to demonstrate the methodology of saints of the Middle Ages.
I have learned never to say never when it comes to revelations supposed to have come from Jesus.
But it seems odd to me that one would have to go through all of this to merit a promise that was given by Jesus freely to all His disciples in John 14.
"We (Father and Son!) will come to him (one who loves Jesus and keeps His Word) and make our abode with Him.
" I do not question the miraculous, appearances of Jesus, the need for crucifying the flesh.
What seems out of line is the self-torturing of the body to gain an audience with the Lord.
Grace and Peace in Babylon.
Another peace-monger of the day is George Fox, the famous Quaker.
From his Journal, we extract a conversation between himself and a known Romanist, on how to find the ultimate peace, peace with God: The Fox asks him how a person finds salvation in Rome.
The answer, A good life.
Nothing more? Nothing, just good works.
And what brings salvation outside of Rome? Here Fox quotes the verse that says that it is the grace of God that brings salvation.
Though this grace has indeed appeared to all men(Titus 2:11), "mystics" in and out of Rome continue to seek more than God has offered.
Those who have no desire for the truth revealed are bound to be deceived by other revelations.
One such mystic receives in 1673 a confirmation of the "sacred heart" devotion sponsored for so long by Rome.
Her name is Margaret Mary Alacoque.
The Catholic Encyclopedia says that the Lord Himself appeared to Margaret on three separate occasions, telling her to spread devotion of the "sacred heart," and telling her specifics of the ritual that was to be developed on earth, including a new feast day.
The Jesuits are singled out to help spread the word.
In tracing "sacred heart" history, that same Encyclopedia quotes Pius XII as saying that the Bible is silent about venerating the physical heart of Jesus.
For a man of the Word, that's the end of such talk.
It's not in the Book, let's forget it.
Not so in Rome.
Even though it is not until the late Middle Ages that there is specific documentation for such a practice, the Church carries on with it today as though it were indeed a direct revelation from Christ.
Which means that the people of God must believe the Bible PLUS any private revelation approved in Rome.
Does not sound consistent with their anathema on Protestant private interpretations.
There are traces of the "Sacred Heart" devotion on down to Alacoque's time, but it is she who is destined to bring it into sharp focus and great popularity in the Catholic world.
Based on the fact that Jesus' heart was indeed broken for mankind, and his love poured out as physical blood, we are told that, therefore, Jesus wants us to honor his physical heart by various ritual prayers and adoration of certain icons, both at mass and in the home.
Those who will thus "enthrone" Jesus, and yes, attempt to model their lives after his attributes, are promised certain specific blessings.
No Christian will object to following the attributes of Jesus, patterning our lives after Him, walking in His steps.
These are revealed truths.
I call into question the rest of the story, the private revelation reportedly given to this "saint.
" (for such she is called, now.
) Let's examine her life, first, from her own autobiography, published by Tan Books and Publishers, Rockford, IL, in 1986.
(first published, with Imprimatur, in 1930.
) As a good Catholic girl growing up, she would never address Jesus, but only Mary.
Even Mary rebukes her for her slovenly way of serving.
Thus Margaret Mary first perceives her guilt and unworthiness.
Later, upon hearing of the sufferings of Christ, she too desires to suffer.
Unwilling to allow Christ to bring her through whatever trials and fire may come to purge her, she brings the suffering on herself.
Offered many proposals of marriage, she resists them as from the devil.
(Bible students are now understanding what is being described here.
) She considers herself a martyr by refusing marriage.
Underlying all of this is a message that she really did want to marry, unlike Paul and others who seem to have had a particular gift for continence.
Her guilt grows.
Knowing how much Christ has suffered, and how little she has suffered, she begins to self-mutilate her body.
But, alas, "the humiliations and contradictions were...
continually increasing rather than decreasing...
The fear that I had of offending God was a greater torment to me than all the rest...
" Obviously this is not the way to peace with God.
But she doesn't give up, and tries to "mortify" her flesh by doing things she previously hated, such as looking at wounds.
Not only does she look at and dress them, but kisses them.
Not content merely to clean someone's vomit, she now partakes of it...
To this woman, sick much of her life,told by her superiors that she is possessed by a demon, guilt-ridden, "Jesus" appears with some rather startling revelations: She is to possess the treasures of Jesus' heart and distribute them to others.
Jesus will use her heart as a channel for these treasures, to save people from hell.
Jesus identifies Himself as a "holy Master", pure, who cannot endure even the slightest imperfections.
And tells her that He will live in her so as to hold regular conversations of this sort.
There is more.
This is enough to demonstrate the methodology of saints of the Middle Ages.
I have learned never to say never when it comes to revelations supposed to have come from Jesus.
But it seems odd to me that one would have to go through all of this to merit a promise that was given by Jesus freely to all His disciples in John 14.
"We (Father and Son!) will come to him (one who loves Jesus and keeps His Word) and make our abode with Him.
" I do not question the miraculous, appearances of Jesus, the need for crucifying the flesh.
What seems out of line is the self-torturing of the body to gain an audience with the Lord.