Can I Recognize ADHD Symptoms?
Most times symptoms of ADHD start occurring before the age of seven.
It is a psychiatric disorder often focused on children.
However, ADHD can also affect some adults as well.
It also is believed to affect more boys then it does girls.
The reason for this however, is unknown.
If you are a parent of a child who may be suffering from ADHD it is essential to consult with your child's pediatrician as soon as you notice any signs or symptoms that worry you.
So, what types of signs and symptoms should a parent look out for? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder states the two main symptoms in its title, such as the inability to focus on one subject for a large amount of time, difficulty in paying attention and understanding certain concepts, followed by excess energy (hyperactivity).
Children diagnosed with ADHD are restless, anxious, sometimes loud and obnoxious, anti-social, and fickle in their attention spans.
This makes most things in life difficult for these children to cope with.
Actually, most children, or well people for that matter, develop coping mechanisms to deal with their disorder.
Coping mechanisms come in a series of categories.
For instance, appraisal-focused strategies involve the modification of the thought process.
Problem-focused mechanisms involve a more practical thinking method of how to fix their problems.
An emotion-focused coping mechanism revolves around releasing pent up emotions, distracting oneself from the problem.
In children and adults who suffer from ADHD if they aren't otherwise aware of their problems they may use these coping methods but not to the benefit of themselves.
In fact some coping methods can be detrimental to a person's mental, physical and emotional help.
In order to negate the negative side-effects of ADHD, there is a responsibility of those who don't suffer from it to help those who do.
Programs geared towards helping individuals cope in a healthy way with their symptoms are necessary.
However, in the world today, these types of programs seem to be lacking.
We tend to focus on how individuals affected with ADHD negatively impact our society and lives instead of focusing on helping them to find a positive impact in their own.
With a little patience and nurturing it is completely possible to deal successfully with ADHD symptoms.
It is totally possible to for individuals with ADHD to cope in a healthy way with their symptoms.
Medication is often used as an outside coping remedy.
However, this is controversial at best.
In some cases, however it is necessary.
To help with the focusing of attention a student or person simply needs to be kept interested.
Classes with individuals who suffer from ADHD should take this into consideration.
In fact, more special education classes should be created that are geared towards helping individuals with these disorders.
If you think about it, they really just see the world in a different way than the rest of us do.
This doesn't have to be a negative thing.
This doesn't have to cause problems for anyone.
The only problem arises when people refuse to empathize with individuals like this and compromise with their disabilities.
It is a psychiatric disorder often focused on children.
However, ADHD can also affect some adults as well.
It also is believed to affect more boys then it does girls.
The reason for this however, is unknown.
If you are a parent of a child who may be suffering from ADHD it is essential to consult with your child's pediatrician as soon as you notice any signs or symptoms that worry you.
So, what types of signs and symptoms should a parent look out for? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder states the two main symptoms in its title, such as the inability to focus on one subject for a large amount of time, difficulty in paying attention and understanding certain concepts, followed by excess energy (hyperactivity).
Children diagnosed with ADHD are restless, anxious, sometimes loud and obnoxious, anti-social, and fickle in their attention spans.
This makes most things in life difficult for these children to cope with.
Actually, most children, or well people for that matter, develop coping mechanisms to deal with their disorder.
Coping mechanisms come in a series of categories.
For instance, appraisal-focused strategies involve the modification of the thought process.
Problem-focused mechanisms involve a more practical thinking method of how to fix their problems.
An emotion-focused coping mechanism revolves around releasing pent up emotions, distracting oneself from the problem.
In children and adults who suffer from ADHD if they aren't otherwise aware of their problems they may use these coping methods but not to the benefit of themselves.
In fact some coping methods can be detrimental to a person's mental, physical and emotional help.
In order to negate the negative side-effects of ADHD, there is a responsibility of those who don't suffer from it to help those who do.
Programs geared towards helping individuals cope in a healthy way with their symptoms are necessary.
However, in the world today, these types of programs seem to be lacking.
We tend to focus on how individuals affected with ADHD negatively impact our society and lives instead of focusing on helping them to find a positive impact in their own.
With a little patience and nurturing it is completely possible to deal successfully with ADHD symptoms.
It is totally possible to for individuals with ADHD to cope in a healthy way with their symptoms.
Medication is often used as an outside coping remedy.
However, this is controversial at best.
In some cases, however it is necessary.
To help with the focusing of attention a student or person simply needs to be kept interested.
Classes with individuals who suffer from ADHD should take this into consideration.
In fact, more special education classes should be created that are geared towards helping individuals with these disorders.
If you think about it, they really just see the world in a different way than the rest of us do.
This doesn't have to be a negative thing.
This doesn't have to cause problems for anyone.
The only problem arises when people refuse to empathize with individuals like this and compromise with their disabilities.