Having a Wealth Mindset
Wealth is a choice in today's economy; there are many people out there trying to teach you how to survive in this recession.
Wealth is a choice and I made a choice in this economy to do what other people are not doing and that is to develop a new gated community.
Wealth is a choice and you need the right mindset to push through all of the things life throws at you until the results come.
Wealth is a choice, and so is your mindset your choice, are you ready to make the choice the results will come.
Wealth is NOT the only measuring stick of our blessing from God.
Wealth is achieving the life you have always dreamed of.
Financial freedom is being independent from your paychecks and living off your investments.
Financial cost of stress is linked to health and wealth.
"Reversing the dire situation of our economy does not require sacrificing or going without the items one desires; it simply requires an understanding of how personal financial decisions affect one's life.
" One must learn how to identify external influences and replace them with new concepts, ideas and attitudes; the spending habits that we have formed over the years can cause monstrous financial disaster.
If you take a moment to consider you own feelings regarding money and wealth, you may discover that you equate financial prosperity with happiness, power, security, independence, or self-indulgence.
We need to change our mindset, and be open to new ideas and even vanquish some of the lies we have been taught about business.
A home business has the additional advantage of allowing you to be home with your family, saving on gas, and numerous tax advantages.
Wealth provides a type of safety net of protection against an unforeseen decline in one's living standard in the event of job loss or other emergency and can be transformed into home ownership, business ownership, or even a college education.
Just as Christianity is your choice in Jesus Christ, and everything else is your choice in life.
Once I realized that there was no one else to blame I had to make a choice to learn from my bad decisions, and try not to make the same ones again, and in any economy it is still the way you see it in your choices that will bring about the results you get in any economical times.
Just like everything in life is really a choice that we make each day, we can choose to have good days and we can choose to have bad days.
Wealth is a mindset, and that is really first and foremost in your choice of everything.
Poor No More: Wealth is Within Reach by Curtis Hill seeks to unite the best ideas in personal finance, money management, budgeting, planning, debt management, credit control, mortgage refinancing and wealth building principles to create a new and innovative approach to gaining personal financial freedom.
Wealth building is a result of organization, proper planning, and self-motivation "Wealth is the result of man's ability to think.