Practical Social Marketing Tips - 7 Ways to Get More Traffic From Twitter Right Now
Adopt a "Twitter Traffic Mindset" - First you have to get it that Twitter is a great source of traffic.
It's NOT just a place to chat in 140 characters or less.
In fact, when optimized properly, you can pretty much direct traffic exactly where you want it to go.
Show up consistently - I hear so many people complain about not getting enough traffic from Twitter.
Without fail, when I ask them when was the last time they were on Twitter trying to get traffic, their answer is something like last week or last month.
You may get some trickles of traffic from just showing up every now and then, but you are only going to get consistent traffic when you show up on a regular basis.
Links - Many people have been misinformed about getting traffic from Twitter.
Some believe that you cannot include links in your tweets.
This is just not true.
In fact, I teach my students to include at least one link to something of theirs at least once a day.
Invitations - Pounding people on Twitter is as bad if not worse than pounding people on email.
It's important to use what I call "invitational language.
" Invite people on Twitter to check something out just like you would invite someone over your house for a BBQ.
It gets received and acted on a whole lot more.
Blog - Your blog is a great place to invite your Twitter followers to visit.
One quick and easy way to do it is to include the first few words of a blog post as a tweet and include a link to your blog to read the rest of the post.
Of course you can do the traditional "check out my new blog post" but the first way gets a better response overall.
Articles - Another great place to invite your followers back to are you articles.
With Twitter you can stand in front of where the traffic is going (your Twitter page) and then redirect it where you want it to go (your articles).
You can dramatically increase the traffic to and readers of your articles with this strategy.
Your other Social Platforms - If you are not "cross-promoting" from one Social Platform to another you are leaving a lot of traffic on the table.
Use your channels on YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn, among others, to invite people to follow you on Twitter.
It helps to increase traffic when you add that there are some tips you only share on Twitter.
Do this only if it is the truth, of course.