Corporate culture, the rising depression ambush!
Being too harsh, over analytical or too critical on oneself is a cause of extreme stress and a lot of depression in people nowadays, a recent study undertaken by a very renowned ad agency reveals. It is difficult to be at your best all the time! It is also quite tardy to be the best in everything. Thus, in a stressful, pressurizing environment, it becomes quite a challenge to cope with the pressure, perform with a fully awakened mind and keep achieving the highest. This leads to a lot of negativity in one's mind, with quite a few self-derogating statements like "maybe I am not good at it", "I can't be good at anything", "can I really do something on my own and be successful at it", "it my own negligence that causes me suffering" etc. these negative emotions first enter our thought cycle, then they slowly re-occur at infrequent intervals and eventually become a part of our personality, plummeting our self-esteem to nothing.
This is the most prevalent form of depression in the crowd from the corporate sector today; the survey conducted also reveals that this crowd eventually suffers with low self-esteem, making it difficult for them to survive without gaining approval from everybody around them. This need needs to be addressed. It becomes a challenge in itself to realize that this is a conscious pattern that leads a lot of angst, fear, negativity, stress and anger. Then to camouflage these emotions people usually start being overtly expressive, aggressive that is or contracting into a shell of their own, become totally passive or introvert. Depression treatment then, in both the situations become inevitable since you start losing your friends, self-confidence, popularity, and opportunities for success in both the situations.
Most Physiatrists in this situation help and offer cognitive behavior therapy, and rational emotive behavior therapy to help you seep out of the mess. This cyclic pattern often also leads to LFT syndrome. Lower frustration tolerance does not permit you to keep your calm even in the slightest of tricky situation. A little goes haywire and you lose your peace, mental balance and react to the situation. All of this adversely affect you corporate image, speaking badly of your managerial capabilities, and your interpersonal communication skills. This not only distances you from the subordinates but also, disassociates you from your seniors. It also leads to gaps in the adherence of timelines and affect one's productivity.
The two inverted sides of the coin are both dangerous and difficult to cope. That is the reason we recommend treatment for depression as early as when you can identify this block. Since it is important to deal with it efficiently, maintain and preserve your brand image and handle anxiety and stress involved within, and that is what the new age therapies at healing cottage help you with. These therapies help you identify the roots cause of the block and remove it within your subconscious first to release all these negative emotions outside. With the help of de-cluttering one's subconscious one can really see a change in the environment leading to gradually raise your bar, tolerance levels; anxiety dips and thereby improves your mental conditioning. Depression treatment for all stress related disorders, general anxiety disorders, or any other personal/private concern is also available. We keep your information strictly confidential. For more information write to us at:
This is the most prevalent form of depression in the crowd from the corporate sector today; the survey conducted also reveals that this crowd eventually suffers with low self-esteem, making it difficult for them to survive without gaining approval from everybody around them. This need needs to be addressed. It becomes a challenge in itself to realize that this is a conscious pattern that leads a lot of angst, fear, negativity, stress and anger. Then to camouflage these emotions people usually start being overtly expressive, aggressive that is or contracting into a shell of their own, become totally passive or introvert. Depression treatment then, in both the situations become inevitable since you start losing your friends, self-confidence, popularity, and opportunities for success in both the situations.
Most Physiatrists in this situation help and offer cognitive behavior therapy, and rational emotive behavior therapy to help you seep out of the mess. This cyclic pattern often also leads to LFT syndrome. Lower frustration tolerance does not permit you to keep your calm even in the slightest of tricky situation. A little goes haywire and you lose your peace, mental balance and react to the situation. All of this adversely affect you corporate image, speaking badly of your managerial capabilities, and your interpersonal communication skills. This not only distances you from the subordinates but also, disassociates you from your seniors. It also leads to gaps in the adherence of timelines and affect one's productivity.
The two inverted sides of the coin are both dangerous and difficult to cope. That is the reason we recommend treatment for depression as early as when you can identify this block. Since it is important to deal with it efficiently, maintain and preserve your brand image and handle anxiety and stress involved within, and that is what the new age therapies at healing cottage help you with. These therapies help you identify the roots cause of the block and remove it within your subconscious first to release all these negative emotions outside. With the help of de-cluttering one's subconscious one can really see a change in the environment leading to gradually raise your bar, tolerance levels; anxiety dips and thereby improves your mental conditioning. Depression treatment for all stress related disorders, general anxiety disorders, or any other personal/private concern is also available. We keep your information strictly confidential. For more information write to us at: