Keyword For Pagerank
Note the following ad-text requirements that will typically apply to nearly all PPC programs: - Include keywords in your ad text: As you've already seen, ads that contain keywords can perform up to 50 percent better than ads that don't include them.
- Make your offer: Tell potential visitors exactly what you offer and why they want it.
Just be careful not to exaggerate claims about the benefits of your products and/or services.
Keep your claims accurate and compelling.
- Call visitors to action: Numerous studies have proven that using a call to action actually does work.
Include a call to action in your ad text to motivate potential visitors to click through the ad to your web site to accomplish whatever it is you want them to do.
One word of caution, however: Many PPC programs will not allow, or strongly recommend against, using the phrase ''Click Here Now.
'' It's a seriously overused phrase that conveys neither creativity nor motivation.
- Include keywords: Keywords should be used in both the ad title and the body of the ad text if possible.
Keywords are what make PPC ads relevant and compelling-and when your ads are relevant and compelling, you get far more exposure for a smaller cost per click.
- Create a sense of urgency: It's one of the oldest sales tricks in the book, but it still works surprisingly well.
You can create a sense of urgency in your potential visitors by using phrases such as ''limited availability'' or ''offer expires soon.
'' Have you ever been told by a salesperson that you're looking at the last or one of the last items available, whether it's a car, a television, or something else? Did you feel a sense of urgency to make the purchase more quickly than you would have if you knew that many more of that item were left? That's the purpose of creating urgency-it drives the user to take action, which is the goal of your advertisement.
- Draw clicks, not views: Write your advertisement with the intention of enticing users to click on it.
Although you have been cautioned against using the phrase ''Click Here Now,'' that should be the goal of your advertisement.
The purpose in PPC advertisement is to draw potential visitors to your site.
With that in mind, you should design your PPC ads to draw clicks, not simply impressions.
It's not enough for users to see your advertisement.
You won't build any brand recognition that way, and users won't see it now and return to your site later.
They'll view it, forget it, and move on.
Be sure that your ads are designed to collect clicks, not eyeballs.
- Write your ad long and then cut it: Writing your ad long is a copywriting trick that helps to distill the ad to only the most relevant and enticing text.
Begin by writing your ad in full sentences, using each of the preceding elements, and then cut those sentences down to only the strongest words that will entice potential visitors to click on them.
Look at the ads that already appear in the PPC program that you've selected.
This will indicate how long your ad should be and what works for others.
You can then build on that to create ads that work for you.
- Use strong, motivating words: Because you'll have a very limited amount of space in which to write your ad, be sure that you're using the most powerful words that you can conjure up.
For example, instead of using the word ''skilled,'' use the word ''professional.
'' Instead of ''markdown,'' use ''discount.
'' Strong, carefully chosen words convey more meaning and emphasis, and they do it in less space than other words or phrases.
- Experiment tirelessly and endlessly: If your PPC ad is perfect right out of the gate, it will truly be an anomaly.
What's more likely to happen is that you write a PPC ad, it performs okay, and then you try something a little different.
That's how it should be with PPC ads.
It takes continuous monitoring and testing to find the right combinations of words, punctuation, keywords, and placement to hit the sweet spot in PPC advertising.
And even once you do, you'll likely find yourself having to readjust the ad frequently because of changes in your products or services.
Set aside at least an hour or two to put into your PPC ad campaign.
Only through experimentation and testing can you achieve PPC success.
PPC advertising has plenty of appeal.
It's quick, it's effective, and it's nowhere near as expensive as other types of advertising.
But as you've learned here, don't assume that PPC advertising is all sunshine and light.
It requires work and commitment to find the methods and combinations that work for you.
Once you've done that, you have to make the click worth the visitor's time.
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