How to Sprout Garlic Cloves
- 1). Mix 3 inches of sand and 3 inches of compost or manure into the top 12 inches of soil in the planting area. Use the rake to level the planting bed.
- 2). Plant the garlic cloves so that the bottom of it -- the end opposite the pointed end -- will be 4 inches deep. Space the cloves 5 inches apart.
- 3). Water the garlic clove bed until the top 6 inches of soil is moist and keep it moist while the cloves sprout.
- 4). Spread 4 inches of mulch over the garlic clove bed three weeks after planting the cloves and allow it to remain until all danger of frost has passed and the soil begins to warm in the spring. Straw, leaves, grass clippings and even shredded paper are suitable mulch materials.