BPH: Prostate Problems Aren"t Just An "Old Person"s" Issue Anymore
Today, even younger men are dealing with this and there are many reasons why.
One reason is excess estrogen.
Too much estrogen in a man is NOT a good thing.
It can cause many health problems, but one thing to keep in mind is that it can cause DNA damage to the prostate gland and result in all kinds of pain in that area of your body.
Why is this such a growing problem? Mostly because of what we eat.
Processed foods are packed full of estrogen.
And one good rule of thumb to consider if you are suffering from BPH, prostate problems, or prostatitis is to stop (cold turkey!) eating anything that comes in a box, wrapper or bag (including fast food).
This is why you see so many younger men having problems with their prostate -- like having difficulty sitting at work, having to pee all the time, dealing with constant pain at the base of the penis, and any number of other symptoms.
So the message is clear: Estrogen is NOT your friend if you are dealing with BPH or prostatitis.
And it's one reason why you should be looking at supplements that deal not just with excess DHT, but also excess estrogen, too.
Bottom line? BPH, prostate problems and prostatitis are not just something you worry about when you turn 40.
These symptoms can hit you even when you're younger.
And if they do, you should start working on getting rid of excess estrogen right away.