Dealing With Uncertainty and Uneasiness
Have you been feeling somewhat disoriented lately? Or perhaps you sense that you are not in control of your life.
Or maybe you have a general sense of uneasiness and you aren't sure why.
Because of technological advances, political upheavals, weather disasters, the visibility of violent crime and other factors in society, many people are having trouble dealing with the rapid rate of change and resulting uncertainty.
When people don't develop new mechanisms for coping with this change and uncertainty, they experience emotional discomfort that spills over into business, careers, relationships and other areas of life.
Life IS getting more complex and less certain.
There was a time, not that long ago, when people had jobs and knew that as long as they showed up and did an adequate job that they could depend on a regular paycheck, yearly pay raises and medical and retirement benefits.
It never occurred to any but the naturally adventurous that a good job wasn't for life.
Now there is no such thing as a job with a predictable future.
As a matter of fact, there isn't much that is predictable any more Because of this, there is an underlying feeling of doom that is not talked about but exists.
We all know, deep down, that the planet cannot continue to support us if we destroy it, yet we keep on over-using and over-consuming while the ozone layer is being depleted and wildlife is disappearing.
We wonder why rare disorders and diseases aren't so rare anymore and why so many people seem unable to cope with life.
As the wealth of a minority grows while income for the majority declines, many people are afraid that the whole financial system may collapse.
And no matter what your financial position, you might feel that it is all beyond your control and you can't imagine where it is all going.
People often avoid making life changes that could move them in a positive direction and opt for staying stuck where they are, because where they are is predictable.
If you are afraid of moving forward, then you will never come to realize your full potential because doing so means being willing to step away from what you know towards a new and unpredictable future.
The dilemma of how to deal with uncertainty is not a new one.
Even in primitive societies, complex rituals and systems of divination were created in order to try to predict the future.
In our modern age, psychic hotlines and daily horoscopes help to assuage the discomfort of not knowing.
Uncertainty is not a condition, it is a feeling.
People used to think that jobs could last forever, and they felt secure, despite the fact that what they accepted as true was false.
They felt secure when, in fact, there was no security.
Uncertainty always has existed.
There is no way of knowing, with certainty, what is going to happen a year from now, five years from now or even five minutes from now.
You could have millions of dollars put away for your future, but there is no way of knowing if, when the future arrives, that the money will be worth anything.
Dealing with uncertainty means dealing with yourself.
When you can reach down inside and begin to understand who you are and why you are here, you will realize that the truth of you is constant and immutable.
No matter what happens in the external world, the essence of you -- your soul -- never changes.
It cannot die, you cannot lose it.
It is eternal and unaffected by changes in the physical world.
Once you connect to your inner resources, you will come to understand that everything you need to deal with the future is within you.
Therefore, one of the ways to deal with uncertainty is to take 10 to 20 minutes each day to meditate and travel inside of yourself and make a deeper connection to the real you.
The future is uncertain, but your power to deal with it is not.
Get in touch with yourself and you will understand that power!
Or maybe you have a general sense of uneasiness and you aren't sure why.
Because of technological advances, political upheavals, weather disasters, the visibility of violent crime and other factors in society, many people are having trouble dealing with the rapid rate of change and resulting uncertainty.
When people don't develop new mechanisms for coping with this change and uncertainty, they experience emotional discomfort that spills over into business, careers, relationships and other areas of life.
Life IS getting more complex and less certain.
There was a time, not that long ago, when people had jobs and knew that as long as they showed up and did an adequate job that they could depend on a regular paycheck, yearly pay raises and medical and retirement benefits.
It never occurred to any but the naturally adventurous that a good job wasn't for life.
Now there is no such thing as a job with a predictable future.
As a matter of fact, there isn't much that is predictable any more Because of this, there is an underlying feeling of doom that is not talked about but exists.
We all know, deep down, that the planet cannot continue to support us if we destroy it, yet we keep on over-using and over-consuming while the ozone layer is being depleted and wildlife is disappearing.
We wonder why rare disorders and diseases aren't so rare anymore and why so many people seem unable to cope with life.
As the wealth of a minority grows while income for the majority declines, many people are afraid that the whole financial system may collapse.
And no matter what your financial position, you might feel that it is all beyond your control and you can't imagine where it is all going.
People often avoid making life changes that could move them in a positive direction and opt for staying stuck where they are, because where they are is predictable.
If you are afraid of moving forward, then you will never come to realize your full potential because doing so means being willing to step away from what you know towards a new and unpredictable future.
The dilemma of how to deal with uncertainty is not a new one.
Even in primitive societies, complex rituals and systems of divination were created in order to try to predict the future.
In our modern age, psychic hotlines and daily horoscopes help to assuage the discomfort of not knowing.
Uncertainty is not a condition, it is a feeling.
People used to think that jobs could last forever, and they felt secure, despite the fact that what they accepted as true was false.
They felt secure when, in fact, there was no security.
Uncertainty always has existed.
There is no way of knowing, with certainty, what is going to happen a year from now, five years from now or even five minutes from now.
You could have millions of dollars put away for your future, but there is no way of knowing if, when the future arrives, that the money will be worth anything.
Dealing with uncertainty means dealing with yourself.
When you can reach down inside and begin to understand who you are and why you are here, you will realize that the truth of you is constant and immutable.
No matter what happens in the external world, the essence of you -- your soul -- never changes.
It cannot die, you cannot lose it.
It is eternal and unaffected by changes in the physical world.
Once you connect to your inner resources, you will come to understand that everything you need to deal with the future is within you.
Therefore, one of the ways to deal with uncertainty is to take 10 to 20 minutes each day to meditate and travel inside of yourself and make a deeper connection to the real you.
The future is uncertain, but your power to deal with it is not.
Get in touch with yourself and you will understand that power!