Certain Acne Treatments Cause Premature Aging of the Skin
Imagine that, spending years treating the unsightly condition of acne breakouts, only to find out that when you are done, you are going to age faster than you otherwise would have.
The dangers of some acne creams have been known to experts for years now, however only recently have consumers began to catch on.
The studies have shown that there is a direct relationship between the use of certain acne creams and premature aging.
Consumers need to protect themselves from these creams and be certain to check the ingredient lists of all products that they use.
The author examines which acne creams to avoid and how they can actually harm and age your skin well before its time.
When you hear this, it may be a surprise to you.
Many of the leading acne creams use an ingredient known as Benzoyl Peroxide.
Its use is widespread and many companies choose to advertise its use in products.
The problem is that Benzoyl Peroxide has had their risk category changed by the FDA and are awaiting long term tests to determine the true measure of long term damage to the skin.
How can a product that actually harms the skin, be sold and approved for consumer use? Well the answer to that is a bit more involved, but essentially it is because the product appears to work, at least early on.
Benzoyl Peroxide has a drying effect on the skin.
This has a two-fold effect on consumers which becomes the issue of our debate.
The first aspect of Benzoyl Peroixde is that it will dry out your skin very rapidly.
To most of us that does not sound like a good thing, but to an acne sufferer who has an oily complexion, that sounds great.
And for the first few days it is.
Your acne appears to dry up and these products seem to work, but unfortunately after the first few days, this drying leads to severe long term damage.
One of the bi-products of this dryness is the fact that Benzoyl Peroxide produces free radicals within your skin.
That's right.
The very things that we try to avoid all day long to maintain our youth, free radicals, are actually generated by the use of this product.
In small doses, this damage can be limited with the use of a therapeutic cleanser, however prolonged, or consistent use ultimately leads to severe wrinkling.
For the most part wrinkles and other signs of aging are a direct result of the skin coming in contact with free radicals.
Using acne creams with Benzoyl Peroxide is like laying out unprotected or going to the tanning salon every day, ultimately your skin is doomed, yet consumers continue its use.
While many consumers do not know that they are causing themselves damage, and others just don't know of an effective alternative, there are other treatments to them all.
Recent studies have proven that all natural ingredients like Resveratrol, out performs Benzoyl in acne reduction and it actually protects the skin from free radicals, keeping consumers looking younger longer.
The oxford study that supports this use of Resveratrol has really changed the landscape of the acne treatment industry for years to come.
Resveratrol is rapidly becoming the most recommended active ingredient by dermatologists and experts worldwide.
If you are treating acne breakouts of your own, and do not wish to further the damage to your skin, there are solutions for you.
Take the time to find an acne cream or cleanser that uses Resveratrol for an active ingredient, and success is just around the corner.
The dangers of some acne creams have been known to experts for years now, however only recently have consumers began to catch on.
The studies have shown that there is a direct relationship between the use of certain acne creams and premature aging.
Consumers need to protect themselves from these creams and be certain to check the ingredient lists of all products that they use.
The author examines which acne creams to avoid and how they can actually harm and age your skin well before its time.
When you hear this, it may be a surprise to you.
Many of the leading acne creams use an ingredient known as Benzoyl Peroxide.
Its use is widespread and many companies choose to advertise its use in products.
The problem is that Benzoyl Peroxide has had their risk category changed by the FDA and are awaiting long term tests to determine the true measure of long term damage to the skin.
How can a product that actually harms the skin, be sold and approved for consumer use? Well the answer to that is a bit more involved, but essentially it is because the product appears to work, at least early on.
Benzoyl Peroxide has a drying effect on the skin.
This has a two-fold effect on consumers which becomes the issue of our debate.
The first aspect of Benzoyl Peroixde is that it will dry out your skin very rapidly.
To most of us that does not sound like a good thing, but to an acne sufferer who has an oily complexion, that sounds great.
And for the first few days it is.
Your acne appears to dry up and these products seem to work, but unfortunately after the first few days, this drying leads to severe long term damage.
One of the bi-products of this dryness is the fact that Benzoyl Peroxide produces free radicals within your skin.
That's right.
The very things that we try to avoid all day long to maintain our youth, free radicals, are actually generated by the use of this product.
In small doses, this damage can be limited with the use of a therapeutic cleanser, however prolonged, or consistent use ultimately leads to severe wrinkling.
For the most part wrinkles and other signs of aging are a direct result of the skin coming in contact with free radicals.
Using acne creams with Benzoyl Peroxide is like laying out unprotected or going to the tanning salon every day, ultimately your skin is doomed, yet consumers continue its use.
While many consumers do not know that they are causing themselves damage, and others just don't know of an effective alternative, there are other treatments to them all.
Recent studies have proven that all natural ingredients like Resveratrol, out performs Benzoyl in acne reduction and it actually protects the skin from free radicals, keeping consumers looking younger longer.
The oxford study that supports this use of Resveratrol has really changed the landscape of the acne treatment industry for years to come.
Resveratrol is rapidly becoming the most recommended active ingredient by dermatologists and experts worldwide.
If you are treating acne breakouts of your own, and do not wish to further the damage to your skin, there are solutions for you.
Take the time to find an acne cream or cleanser that uses Resveratrol for an active ingredient, and success is just around the corner.