Avon, Ct Back Pain Relief Done Naturally Through Chiropractic Therapy
This is not magic and its not limited to treatment within the confines of the doctors office. Holistic medicine involves very specific modalities that are focused on the patients problem, such as back pain, and also includes a patient changing various aspects of their life, such as improved nutrition, developing an exercise program and adjusting the manner in which they sit, stand and move.
Back Pain is Common
One of the most common ailments in the U.S. is back pain. At some time or other, from 70% to 85% of all people in the U.S. suffer from back pain. Here are some statistics regarding this painful problem.
Approximately 25% of adults have reported having back pain that lasts a full day.
About 50% of all adults in the U.S. have had back pain in the past year.
In a given year, more than 7% of adults have severe back pain.
The fifth most common reason for doctor visits is lower back pain.
Each year, about 2% of the workforce suffers from back injuries.
Over $50 billion per year is spent on back pain.
In people younger than 45, back pain is the most frequent reason for limiting physical activity.
Most back pain is caused by behaviors physical in nature that can be modified.
People suffering with back problems often discover that they are trapped in a cycle of pain that escalates. Unable to experience relief, they continuously find their pain is aggravated and intensified by any type of activity.
Chiropractic Treatment
Todays treatment by a chiropractor for back pain utilizes a range of therapeutic approaches that stimulate the bodys natural ability to heal itself. It may sound contradictory that you would go to a doctor only to have your body heal on its own, but the fact is a vast majority of our ailments can be remedied by our own bodies.
What someone like Avon chiropractor Dr. David Schiller is able to do is incorporate traditional chiropractic treatments that include manipulation with various approaches such as Cold Laser, Interactive Metronome and Brain Based Therapy and acupuncture. And not only does Dr. Schiller use traditional manipulative techniques, he specializes in using instruments that give gentle adjustments without the popping and cracking.
Pain Relief and Healing
With the relief of pain via various methods, the patients of the Avon chiropractor can begin their healing process. The results include more mobility, increased physical activity and better productivity. With careful monitoring and dedication to a healthy lifestyle, patients can once again assume a life that is full, active and pain free.