Free Paper Bag Art Projects
- Create a hand puppet with a paper bag by flattening it on your table. Give your child some crayons or felts and tell him to draw a face on the front of the bag. Encourage him to draw whimsical facial features and add yarn for hair. Or, cut ears out of spare card stock sheets and glue them to make ears for various animal faces. Make several puppets and put on a puppet show with your child.
- Form a paper bag kite by cutting four square pieces of masking tape and applying them to the four corners on the top of your bag to deter tears. Use a hole punch to make four holes in the center of the masking tape squares you affixed to each corner. Guide twine or string through the holes and tie them together to give you something to hold onto when you fly your kite. Decorate your paper bag with tissue paper or streamers to make kite tails. Use paint, crayons, yarn and anything else you can think of to adorn your kite.
- Decorate paper bags with paint and glitter to create holiday-inspired treat bags for your kids. You can also use old buttons, ribbons and card stock to make bags for various holidays, such as Christmas, Halloween and Valentine's Day. Add cotton balls and make whiskers out of black construction paper to create bunny-inspired bags for Easter. Fill the finished products with small gifts and treats and hand them out to your children's friends.
- Create a brim by turning a paper bag upside-down and rolling up the open end so it fits on your child's head. Tape or glue it so it stays in that shape. Use various craft embellishments like stickers and paint to decorate the hat on all sides. Use cotton balls, pipe cleaners and ribbon to add more adornments to your hat.
- Make framed art by encouraging your child to decorate the front side of a paper bag with pressed leaves and flowers. Collect brightly colored flowers and green leaves. Press them under a heavy text book for a day. Affix them with a glue stick to the paper bag. When the glue dries, trim the bag so it fits into an old frame. Hang when ready.