Auto Loans No Credit History - Buy a Car, Build your Credit Score
These are secured form of loans. In secured loans, you require something as collateral. In these, your new car or vehicle is use as a loan. You own the car as soon as you complete the loan installments. Otherwise, you can use the car. However, it belongs to the money lender or the financer. The logbook remains with them. Once you default on a payment, the car is taken by the lender.
You can also use other collateral such as property, jewelry, or other valuables. It may be the case if you want to own car completely. However, you have to be ready for few extra days as evaluation of collateral takes place. Also, a lot more paperwork is involved. So it takes more time and is less convenient.
You can get the auto loans no credit history for 90-100% of the amount of the car. You may also use 25-30% of the amount as collateral. The lesser you take as a loan; the lower will be the interest. This is because more down payments works as a surety. There is an average repayment term of 5-10 years. The interest rate varies from 9 to 16%. The more the amount, the more the interest rate is.
You can search for auto loans no credit history online as well as use some references. References work nicely in these cases. When you get someone through references, you can always depend on the person who referred. Online market is also huge, and they offer various services like free loan calculator etc.