Help Save the World With Renewable Energy
That might sound harsh, but it's the truth.
If we continue to rely on oil and other current forms of energy production, there will be severe consequences.
While there are many reasons for our gashouse emission problems, oil is the number one culprit.
And why do we continue to use oil? Profits.
If we don't change, our own greed will lead to our demise.
That's amazing to think about.
The dinosaurs were supposedly extinct by a meteor; they had no chance.
Do you think they would have killed themselves if they had the opportunity? Of course not.
Only humans even understand the concept of greed.
The irony is that oil isn't just an environmental problem, but also an economic one.
That said, there are a few ways to look at this.
Some would say that if oil reaches over $100 per barrel in this economic environment, we'll enter a depression.
Others state that if oil goes over $100 per barrel, it will once again motivate people to look into renewable energy.
Therefore, it could be a blessing in disguise.
Instead of focusing on the negative, let's ask ourselves what we can do about this problem.
And this problem isn't just oil, but electricity, gas, and the like.
What can be done is every little thing possible.
If everyone makes an effort, there's a chance we will be able to reverse course.
For instance, don't leave the outside light on in the evening.
If you're going to read a book, consider using a candle.
Don't leave the television on if you're not watching it.
An even more common and worse habit is to leave the computer on overnight.
Try to get energy-saving light bulbs.
They're often cheaper and last longer.
Look into battery-powered cars and lawn mowers.
Batteries aren't the best option for the environment, either, but they're the lesser of two evils right now.
If you spend a lot of time in the cold and use a space heater - otherwise known as a portable heater - to keep warm, switch to a fire pit.
A fire pit can provide even more heat, costs less, and will last much longer.
Most importantly, you won't need to charge it.
Wind and solar are by far the most popular forms of renewable energy on the horizon.
Can you imagine a world that's not reliant on foreign oil, and all forms of energy are renewable? This is a real possibility and one that you might see in your lifetime.
If you want to take your first steps towards helping the environment, go out today and buy those energy-saving light bulbs and fire pits, and tell your friends to do the same.
It will make a difference.