Dating Coach Advice On, Build A Killer Routine Stack
Throughout an interaction with a woman you will want to make certain things happen.
A routine stack can help this along, it's like a map that makes sure you stay on course and don't get sidetracked by idle conversation - or worse let the women end up leading the conversation as this will kill her attraction.
However a dating coach will tell you even with a routine stack you still will have to do some improvising.
You don't want to sound like a human playback machine after all.
When designing your stack it's best to start off small and build from there.
You don't need 10 pages of scripted material.
You should pick a handful of routines and memorize those, add in some topics that you naturally like to talk about and some stuff about yourself that personalizes all of it and you're ready to roll! When selecting routines you should be aware that there are differences in what they accomplish and use the appropriate one.
There are routines that are mere conversation fillers.
There are routines that are humorous and will get laughs.
There are routines that will build comfort.
There are others that will sexually escalate the interaction either verbally or physically.
You should be aware of what function each routine has as this will tell you the proper time to use it.
A good way to start would be to have a humorous routine, then routine that helps to escalate kino, then some routines that tease and some routines that escalate verbally.
You'll also sprinkle in your routines that deal with your identity and who you are.
A routine stack used by a dating coach will appear super smooth and streamlined.
This is a result of practicing it over and over again.
That in mind, you may want to look into having a routine stack designed for you by a professional coach.
Another key thing routine stacks will help you do is build calibration.
While you're talking you mind will be free to think about other stuff like how the woman is reacting, her body language and so forth.
A routine stack is just like a game plan.
It's your strategy for the night.
When you watch a sporting event both teams have well prepared game plans they put into action.
While sometimes the players improvise, just like you'll have to do from time to time infield, they still have a general road map for how they'll play the game that defines their style.
This is the same way infield.
You're routine stack will define the style of game you run the goal you're going for.