How Can You Stop Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in your anus or lower rectum and may be the result of straining during a bowel movement or a result of pressure on the veins during pregnancy. Increased pressure can also come from sitting over long periods of time as well as diarrhea or constipation and obesity.
Some of the symptoms include bleeding during bowel movements, itching in your anal area, and having a painful lump near your anus. Hemorrhoids can either be internal or external. It may be a good idea to consult with your doctor to determine if the bleeding is a result of hemorrhoids or a sign of a digestive disease. Your doctor might recommend a colonoscopy in order to exam your entire colon for other signs of disease. This is recommended if you have a family history of colorectal cancer or you are over the age of 50.
Older people have a tendency to get hemorrhoids as the veins in the rectum and anus can weaken over time. Although rare, complications can occur. One of these complications is anemia. This can result in fatigue and weakness as a result of chronic blood loss from the hemorrhoids.
Some of the best ways to prevent hemorrhoids include eating high-fiber foods and drinking plenty of water. The key here, especially when you are suffering and trying to cure hemorrhoids, is to lower your intake of processed sugars and foods. Processed medications and creams can create the same potential problem as processed foods. Even many of the fiber supplements contain processed and artificial elements that can create side-effects elsewhere. It is also important to have a bowel movement as soon as you feel the need. Also, try to avoid sitting for long periods of time.