The most important information to cope with debt
But, before you do consider going with an iva, you have to make sure to get the right IVA advice, and to know whether or not you are going to qualify for the iva, before you go spending the money you do not have, to go through with the application process. So, before you do file and hire an adviser, you are going to want to find the right IVA advice, to properly inform you of the options you have available, and you want to make sure the IVA advice you get, is from a reputable source, to ensure that you are being given the right answers to your questions.
So, when looking for IVA advice, you are going to want to turn to the sources that are reliable, and will provide you with the right IVA advice for free. The best place for any debtor to turn to first, when seeking the right IVA advice, is to the government.
Since the iva is a government funded debt solution, and if approved is legally binding, you are going to find that the information and the IVA advice you find from their site, is going to be the best advice, and is going to be the most accurate advice you are going to find anywhere, either online or from another person.
So before you do go paying a financial adviser for their services, and spending the money on the process, you are first going to want to turn to the government pages and sites, to get the right IVA advice, and to learn the process and how it works.
After you visit a government site, and learn that you are approved, or do qualify, now is the time to hire your adviser, and pay for the services to begin the application process.
Since you need an adviser to apply for an iva, you might as well hire them early on, to get the ball rolling, and to get the process completed as soon as possible.