Common Legal Penalties For Assault
It is usually considered a misdemeanor but can be raised to a felony when involving a law officer.
There are five different degrees of this offense, in which prison or jail time along with fines are common legal penalties for assault.
A first degree infraction involves deadly force used on or extreme bodily harm caused to a peace officer.
This infraction can yield up to 20 years in prison and no more than $30,000 in fines.
A second degree offense involves the use of a dangerous weapon and can result in up to $14,000 in fines and seven years in prison.
If bodily harm is inflicted during this level of offense, the charges raise to 10 years or less in prison and up to $20,000 in fines.
When bodily harm is inflicted or an attack on a minor is committed, this is generally considered a third degree offense.
This can carry up to $10,000 in fines and five years in prison.
There are several different types of attack that can constitute the fourth degree level.
An attack on an officer in the process of carrying out a duty of law can have the outcome of up to one year in jail and $3,000 in fines.
If harm is caused in this case, it could be considered a felony and carry up to three years in prison and $6,000 in fines.
Violating emergency service personnel in the form of preventing them from carrying out duties may be considered a felony and charged with up to $4,000 in fines and two years in prison.
Any attack motivated by bias, whether it be racial, religious, or sexual, is also a fourth degree crime, resulting in no more than one year in prison and $3,000.
Assault in the fifth degree is the least serious charge.
If it is a first offense, it is only charged as a misdemeanor with 90 days or less in jail and no more than $1,000 in fines.
For a second offense committed within five years of the first, the assailant is charged with a gross misdemeanor and faces up to a year in prison and $3,000, along with the revocation of their right to own or be in possession of a pistol.
These are the most common legal penalties for assault.
Understanding the legal definitions and their consequences will protect citizens from any unintentional legal infraction.
These charges are designed to keep citizens safe and work toward a more peaceful society.