How to Get Your Boyfriend Back After He Has Initiated the Break-Up
A person gets disgruntled with a relationship if he/she feels they are not being listened to or understood.
In the case of getting your boyfriend back after a break up that he has initiated, the first step is to acknowledge his wishes or understand where he is coming from.
This is often hard to do at first because you have a strong emotional attachment to him.
You share your thoughts, feelings, hopes and desires with him.
During and after a break up there is an emotional deficit that you need to fill.
So you fight against the break up at first, explaining why you should stay together or why there are no problems with the relationship.
In effect, you are bolting your view of the relationship on top of his.
This says one thing to him.
She has not understood my point of view and is more concerned with me understanding her point of view, which according to him, is the main reason why the relationship is not working in the first place.
This problem is made harder for women because men will not always readily share their point of view, leaving women to fill the emotional void with their own feelings.
After a while this interaction becomes a norm of the relationship even if the couple are not aware of it.
Once you have broken up proper, you may do everything you can to convince your boyfriend that you should get back together.
So you will call him up or try to arrange to meet.
Again, this is not understanding or acknowledging his wishes.
So the first step is acknowledgment.
You can still have your say but in the end respect the decision that he has made and act on it.
Break up and make no attempt to see him.
After a week or even longer, your boyfriend will have lived with the fact that you have acted on his decision.
He will feel there is a bit more balance in the relationship even through this small act.
He will be more receptive to contact and may even be thinking about the things that were good about the relationship.
This is the first step of how to get your boyfriend back.