How to Write the Acknowledgment in a Training Report
- 1). Write down the full names of all those who wish to be acknowledged. Find out if there is another name they prefer to be acknowledged with, and write it down to use in place of any other name on record. Be sure both the first and last names are spelled properly, and that no middle initial or surname is left out.
- 2). Write the proper spelling and attribution of who is making the acknowledgment -- the program director, the lead trainer, the project manager or the CEO. The acknowledgment itself is often written in the first-person, present tense as in, "I gratefully acknowledge," or "This company gratefully acknowledges the contributions of..."
- 3). Write the name of the person making the acknowledgment in the present tense. "John Chambers would like to gratefully acknowledge the contributions of ..." or "The Something Company wishes to to gratefully acknowledge ...."
- 4). Write in the name of the person with whom the recognition is being given. If there is more than one person, list them out alphabetically. "We would like to gratefully acknowledge the contributions of Mary Smith."
- 5). Name some of the details about the contributions, such as the ongoing dedication, or consistent support. Use action verbs such as encouragement, coaching, assistance, support.
- 6). Name the action of the contribution or of the resources contributed, if applicable. For example, "for chapter contributions," or "for assisting in research."
- 7). Include the names of any other friends and family who provided assistance, support or encouragement throughout the project. Follow their names with similar action statements that detail their contribution, or the extent of their contribution.
- 8). End the acknowledgment with a final "thank you." The ending acknowledgment would look something like this: "We would like to gratefully acknowledge the outstanding contributions of Karen Matthews and Doug McDonald. Were it not for their ongoing support, endless hours of labor and creative contributions to this project, it would not be the success that it is. Thank you."