The Proper Way to Pot Annual Plants
- The proper way to pot annual plants starts with selecting the right kind of pot. Select a pot that can hold sufficient soil and water and be free-draining. When the roots have grown so that they fill up the space in the pot, relocate the plants to a larger container.
- Potted annuals, since they live their lives in a pot without exposure to natural soil, require greater fertilization. Fertilize annuals once a week while the plant is growing. Regularly remove debris such as dried leaves to maintain a healthy environment for your plant. When the stems or branches get long, prune them. Check plants daily to see if they need water.
- First, fill your pots approximately 2/3 of the way full with soil. Remove your plant from its existing container by carefully digging up the dirt until you expose the plant's roots. Make sure you get the entire root structure free and bring the entire root structure with the plant. Place the plant, with its roots, in your new pot and press down gently so the roots are in the soil. Use your hand to put more soil on top of the roots until they are completely covered by dirt. Then, water the plant until the soil feels damp, and locate your plant in the appropriate spot.