How to Make a Cat Stop Urinating on Things
- 1). Get your cat spayed or neutered. Cats will use urine to attract a mate, so if you have not done so already, take your cat to the veterinarian for sterilization. In many cases, this alone will solve the problem.
- 2). Have a vet examine your cat for urinary tract infection. If an otherwise house-trained cat suddenly begins urinating around the house, this may signify a serious urinary problem that you should treat as soon as possible.
- 3). Consider possible stress factors that may cause your cat to mark his territory around the house. If you have moved recently, or if you have invited another pet into your home, or if you have changed your cat's basic ecosystem in any way, these types of changes may trigger the unwanted behavior.
- 4). Address your cat's stress factors. Depending on the issue, you may want to limit her exposure to other pets, provide her with additional love and affection or create a more consistent home environment, feeding her at the same times each day, playing with her regularly and providing a basic daily routine. Cats feel most comfortable with a consistent, dependable routine.
- 5). Limit your cat's access to the spots where he commonly urinates inappropriately. Keep him off countertops and tables, do not allow him to enter rooms where you cannot watch him ,and keep him away from his favorite peeing spots. By isolating him to a smaller, monitored space, you leave him with few options but to use his litter box.
- 6). Clean your cat's urine thoroughly as soon as it appears. If you allow the scent to linger, you greatly increase the chances that he will mark that spot again.