how to get an actual free credit report?
They can claim that it is free because you do not pay immediately. You sign up for a service, usually a credit monitoring service, which will start about two weeks or a months later. Although no money is due at sign-up, you will have to provide your credit card details. Then in two weeks or a month, they will charge your card. These scammers make most of their money from people who plan to cancel the service and then forget to cancel. Even if you call them on the phone before they charge your card, they have trained sales people who will try to talk to you into keeping the service. These people are very tricky, and you may hang up the phone, owing more than you did before you called them.
There are a few ways to get a free annual credit report, and they all involve contacting the credit reporting agencies directly. There are three major credit reporting agencies, and they all have slightly different reports on you. All of their reports are combined to make your credit score. You can reach these companies online, or via phone or mail. Many states also have laws that require a consumer to be notified every time something potentially harmful to their credit rating gets posted on their report. The consumer is typically notified by mail, and they can respond to the notification and receive a free credit report.
As you can see, there are several ways to get an absolutely free annual credit report without succumbing to the annualcreditreport scam. While you are searching for a report, know that although you may have to answer a few personal questions to get your report you should not have to provide credit card info. If you have to provide credit card info than it is not a free report.