The Truth Behind Auto Accidents!
Recent studies from both the US and abroad, the number-one reason for auto accidents isn't an icy road, or pothole, and not even a drunk driver. The cause more often than not is a distracted driver. Driving while doing something else, or misjudging your speed, or not concentrating.
Of the numerous reasons behind auto accidents, the primary impetus for accidents is distraction. A distracted driver is someone that temporarily diverts his attention from driving to do something else in the automobile -- like chatting on a cell telephone, sending a text, eating, reading or putting on makeup.
To you, your automobile feels like a refuge, it weighs more than a ton and becomes a moving battering ram that may kill as simply as it can get you across the town. When you fail to focus on your car -- or the effects of the car -- by putting on makeup, reading directions, speaking on the telephone, texting, whatever, you risk not just your life, but the lives of others.
While distraction is the primary cause of auto accidents, there are others to be aware of:
€ Speeding: Even though you may think you are an excellent driver speeding is perhaps the second major cause of accidents.
€ Drunken driving: It's important that you refrain from drinking alcohol before you get behind the wheel of your car. You should be aware of others who may be drinking and driving as well. If you aren't sure of the other driver ahead of you, it's best to stay back and call 911 if you think the other driver is intoxicated.
€ Reckless driving: Making unsafe lane changes, speeding or just disregarding others on the road is considered to be reckless driving. Don't drive as if you are the only person on the road. Slow down.
€ Weather issues: When the weather gets bad from rain or snow, slow down. Remember it takes longer to stop on a wet road than on a dry one.
€ Running red lights: Trying to beat a yellow light is a major cause of auto accidents as well. Cities all over are installing cameras at major intersections in order to prevent accidents.
€ Night driving: Your visual ability is lessened at night. Your vision is only what your headlights show so you may not see someone or something about to enter the highway ahead of you.
€ Poor maintenance of your automobile: Not making sure your breaks are in good working order and that your tires are not too worn can be a safety hazard and cause an accident.
These are just some of the issues that cause auto accidents. When you have a serious accident you want to contact an attorney to help you through the aftermath of any auto accidents. Juan Ordaz is a San Diego Personal Injury Attorney and is well known for helping those involved in auto accidents.