How Safe is Male Enhancement? Warning - Don"t Mangle Your Member! (I Told You So)
continue reading as we take a closer look below! Okay...
so which methods are safe, and which methods are dubious, dangerous or otherwise worth avoiding? Honestly? Any process that requires a "prop" or product should be looked at very, very carefully before commencing.
As a matter of fact, we recommend that our readers avoid all products across the board.
Why? You simply don't know what you're getting.
The market is completely unregulated, and many of these products are made in garages, basements or attics around the globe.
The quality control is really nil...
and with the incredible ease at making a nice looking web or commerce site these days, you truly could be purchasing a product being manufactured by someone with NO experience at all.
( and no understanding of safety protocols to protect your penis either!) How about pills and natural supplements? They may be "safe", from an injury standpoint, but they are not necessarily harm free in general.
Why? Again, they are unregulated.
You don't know what you are putting in you body, and often, what's in the bottle in NOT what's ON the bottle label.
(as some popular herb companies were exposed for doing in the last several years...
specifically with male enhancement products) The bottom line? The only safe enhancement technique is natural exercise.
You know your own body, and it's limits, and no one that we've heard of has EVER hurt themselves using techniques like jelqing, or PC elevation exercises.
Stay safe...
and get great gains the natural way, that's our best advice to you (and ourselves) for sure!