Places to Buy Equipment for Martial Arts & Self Defense
- One of the most trusted places for learning about martial arts is also one of the most readily available sources for self-defense products. Depending on the size of the dojo, a selection of martial arts products is usually available for purchase, though some shops limit the availability of products to dojo members. In the dojo version of a pro shop, self-defense students can select from a wide array of sparring tools, pepper spray, and even bladed weapons (dojo experts caution that weapons should be used only after completing basic self-defense training). While many medium and large dojos offer products to their students, smaller dojos or those with limited budgets may not be able to offer a large selection, if any at all. In these environments, dojo owners and martial arts instructors commonly defer students and potential customers to mail order catalogs where the latest self-defense paraphernalia are most readily available.
- Decades ago, when martial arts and self-defense products did not enjoy the wide appeal they do today, students and wary citizens commonly ordered their supplies through catalogs. Intended for distribution to law enforcement and paramilitary organizations, as well as martial arts teachers, these catalogs hawked a wide selection of self-defense paraphernalia. Today, many of the older mail order giants still print catalogs, though the bulk of their transactions take place over the Internet. One such retailer, Tiger Strike, built its retail empire and self-defense specialist status with a long history of catering to law enforcement agencies, a pedigree that is still evident on its website. Taking a different approach, competitor Karate Depot is rooted in catalog sales through dojos nationwide. It honors its tradition of limiting shipping charges for most items.
- Renowned for low prices and ready availability of even the most esoteric products, online auction houses like Ebay are an excellent source of self-defense products, both new and used. While many online auctioneers list their gently (or sometimes heavily) used products for sale, an increasing number of sellers are using online auctions. Through these sellers, martial arts students can pick up a wide selection of self-defense paraphernalia and can choose from a broader selection of bladed weapons (including long swords and throwing knives) than available in most mail order catalogs. Shipping charges often apply, but the large selection of branded and off-brand products compensate for the nominal shipping costs.