How To Make Her Approach You And Get All The Girls You Want
What if you could walk the Earth with such confidence and charisma that girls couldn't help but notice you? What if it were possible to stroll into a club or other social event and automatically have girls coming up to you and qualifying themselves to you? Sound like a fantasy? Sound like come kind of con? Well, the good news is that anything's possible.
Sure, it may take some work and a little bit of practice, but when you get the place where you'll never have to approach another girl again, you'll be glad you took the easy effort this technique is going to take.
Most girls would love to approach guys.
But they feel like it's not appropriate, or they are nervous, just like guys are.
They feel if they approach, and get shot down, they'll look foolish in front of their friends.
Sound familiar? But we guys have one major thing to our advantage that most guys don't even know about.
That means once you put this technique into play, you'll be miles ahead of every other guy out there.
What's the secret trick? It's something called competition anxiety.
If a girl sees a guy she's only somewhat interested in, she won't even consider making a move.
But if she sees a halfway decent guy that's talking to plenty of other girls, then she'll be compelled to make a move.
Girls are much, much more persuaded by the incredible power of social proof that guys are.
What's more, when she sees you talking to girls and everybody's smiling and enjoying themselves? This will remove all her fears and anxiety.
The trick is to simply talk to as many girls as you can, without trying to get their names, numbers or anything.
Just practice flirty conversations without any intention of "closing" them.
This will take away the anxiety, and soon girls will be approaching you.
You'll never again need to worry about walking up to a girl and getting her number.
You can just relax, talk to girls, and enjoy yourself.
Pretty soon you'll have this aura of massive charisma that will attract female attention to you wherever you happen to be.
This will not only make your life much better, but it will give you an incredible amount of confidence in every other area of your life.
Work, professional relationships and every other area will become much easier, as your new found charisma will make it easier than ever to get all those things you want.