5 Benefits Of Online Video Marketing
To Get Your Message Viewed
It seems that the average person on the web has the attention span of a goldfish. Write more than a paragraph or two and it looks like €work' to read. Video on the other hand is quick and easy to watch and is seen as entertainment, not effort.
As long as your video is compelling and tuned in to your viewers needs or problems, you have a potential customers full attention. But stray from this for just a moment and your viewer becomes bored and will click away.
To Be Seen As A Leader
When you create a video you are automatically seen as an expert in your field. This gives extra credibility to your business as you become the €go to guy' with the answers to your industries problems.
However, this does mean that you have to put some useful information in your videos, not just a €Buy My Stuff' message.
To Educate Your Viewers
By its very nature, video is a visual medium. So it is much easier for your customers to watch a short tutorial video than it is to read through a heavy technical manual just to understand a simple point or technique. This method alone can slash your customer support costs.
To Create Trust
Customers are untrusting, cynical creatures! They can smell a sales pitch from a hundred yards and click away at the merest whiff of hype. But by putting your message on video you have the opportunity to let your customers see your face rather than your company.
People do not do business with companies; they only spend their hard earned cash with people they trust. And the best way to build trust is to answer their concerns honestly, without hype or spin, and instead of trying to sell them, make it easy for them to buy.
Easy Access To Your Audience
To make the largest profits from the least expense in any business, you need to find a hungry crowd and set up your stall in front of it. By listing your online videos on sites such as Youtube or Google Video and with smart use of relevant keyword tags you have access to a huge audience.
It has never been easier or cheaper to create effective online marketing videos to promote your business, church or non-profit organisation. With just a little thought and effort, you could be reaping the benefits of online video marketing without spending a fortune.