Hair Loss-Exams and Tests
Hair Loss-Exams and Tests
Hair loss is diagnosed through a medical history and physical exam. Your doctor will ask you questions about your hair loss, look at the pattern of your hair loss, and examine your scalp. He or she may also tug gently on a few hairs or pull some out.
The most common cause of hair loss-inherited hair loss-is easily recognized. Men tend to lose hair from the forehead area and top of the head with normal amounts of hair on other areas of the scalp. Women tend to keep their front hairline, but have thinning of the hair on the top of the head.
Female Pattern Baldness
Read the Female Pattern Baldness article > >
To determine the cause of your hair loss, your doctor may ask you about:
If the reason for your hair loss is not clear, your doctor may do tests to check for a disease that may be causing your hair loss. Tests include:
The most common cause of hair loss-inherited hair loss-is easily recognized. Men tend to lose hair from the forehead area and top of the head with normal amounts of hair on other areas of the scalp. Women tend to keep their front hairline, but have thinning of the hair on the top of the head.
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Hair loss history
To determine the cause of your hair loss, your doctor may ask you about:
- Characteristics of your hair loss. Is your hair thinning, with your scalp becoming more visible, but your hair is not noticeably falling out? Or is your hair shedding, with lots of hair falling out?
- How long your hair loss has been occurring. How long has it been since you had your normal amount of hair?
- Your family history of hair loss. Does your mother or father, brother or sister, or any other relative have hair loss? If so, what caused their hair loss?
- Your hairstyling habits. Has your hair become fragile from pulling it too tight or from other hairstyling habits? Have you had any chemical treatments to your hair, such as permanents (perms) or bleaching? Do you use a blow-dryer that may be too hot? Is a curling iron damaging your hair?
- Any recent illness. Have you had any skin rashes, such as ringworm, recently?
- Medicines you are taking. Are you taking blood thinners (anticoagulants) or medicines for arthritis, depression, or heart problems? Have you had any cancer treatment?
- Your diet. Are you getting enough protein and iron in your diet?
If the reason for your hair loss is not clear, your doctor may do tests to check for a disease that may be causing your hair loss. Tests include:
- Hair analysis. Your doctor will take a sample of your hair and examine it under a microscope. A scalp sample might also be taken.
- Blood tests, including testing for a specific condition, such as an overactive or underactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism).