Tips On How To Keep Her Interested Forever
Come on, man, sure you can use several of these approaches stated above to get a woman's interest. But are these things really going to keep her interested in you forever? If you're engaged about this, keep reading and find out how you can make sure that your woman will never want to leave you...
Why People Keep People in Their Lives
No matter how much you want to agree with the generous nature of human beings, no one will keep someone in their life forever unless that person has some kind of need for them. And when the matter is to this, there is no amount of appeal or interest that will keep a woman hanging on forever.
Rather, you have to find out how to meet her emotional needs. World famous relationship expert Anthony Robbins has indicated that there are six basic human needs that a relationship should meet:
* Variety * Security * Growth * Contribution * Connection * Significance
But if it's that easy, how come there are so many relationships such as marriages, friendships and even connections within families that are falling apart?
It's because in relationships, most individuals are working very hard at meeting the other person's needs in accordance to their own standards.
How to Meet Her Needs
Start paying attention to what your woman is undertaking to meet your needs. Does she go out of her way to do wonderful things for you in order to make you feel important? If so, she is giving you a hint as to what she really needs in order to feel important and to feel loved.
What about her need for security, variety? What about her need for growth and to feel that she is making a presentment to the relationship? If you begin to focus on to her behaviors and her words, you'll start to realize that they are providing a powerful clue as to how you can meet her basic human needs.
Commence on doing this exercise today, even if you are out of a relationship. You can practice on your friends, your family members or even the people you get along with. This will help you to build relationships that will last forever.