Compacted Soil Spots in a Lawn
- Heavy use of lawns for sports can create soil compaction.Jupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty Images
Soil compaction in lawns creates worn, dry-looking areas that absorb water poorly and limit the flow of oxygen to grass roots. This can lead to the death of a lawn. Compaction can be due to the type of soil in which the grass is planted. Elements of healthy soil being out of balance may also cause it. Heavy foot and machine traffic is another problem, as is irregular aeration. - Dense clay soils compact more rapidly than loamy soils containing a variety of materials of different particle sizes. The Lawn Care website states that healthy soil contains many elements including air, water, mineral particles, organic matter, nutrients, earthworms and insects. The website Land Steward notes that a shortage of earthworms is a serious problem, because as "Nature's mini-excavators," they aerate soil by creating networks of tiny tunnels. To make tunneling easier for earthworms and to improve soil permeability, Land Steward suggests using organic treatments, such as soil conditioners, which are similar to fertilizers and are applied with a spreader.
- As the soil under a lawn begins compacting, the turf becomes less springy. Lawn Care reports another symptom is if it is difficult to dig into soil with a shovel. Heavy foot traffic, driving and parking on a lawn presses down on the soil. Regularly turning the lawn into a volleyball court or keeping pets outdoors for long hours can create compaction. Solutions might include constructing a dog run and developing an aeration plan so compaction from play does not destroy the lawn.
- Aeration is a process for periodically creating tiny airshafts in the soil. A mechanical core aerator the size of a rototiller digs up soil plugs. Land Steward says an alternative is to walk on one's lawn while wearing aerator sandals that have long spikes and are strapped on over shoes. Irregular aeration of lawns may increase compaction. Lawns planted in clay soils should be aerated in spring and fall, according to the website All About Lawns. Looser soils only require aeration once a year.
Irregular aeration of lawns may increase compaction. Lawns planted in clay soils should be aerated in spring and fall, according to the website All About Lawns. Looser soils only require aeration once a year.