Rock Hard Erection - How to Get One by Increasing Your Nitric Oxide Levels Naturally
Let's look at the erection process first and what you need to achieve one.
When a man becomes excited, arousal messages are received in the brain, the blood immediately starts to pump to the genitals and it's a fact, most men with erection problems, have poor blood circulation.
Nitric oxide is needed to complete the erection process, as it allows the blood vessels to relax and expand and an increased blood flow fills the penis, swells it and an erection is completed.
Nitric oxide declines with age, so you need to top it up if your levels are low and combine this with strong blood flow. Many men, who have poor erectile function, think they lack testosterone - but this is NOT a common cause.
So what supplements can you take to get a rock hard erection? Let's look at some of the best ones.
Horny Goat Weed
One of the best libido enhancing herbs which will increase nitric oxide levels naturally and will also boost testosterone and energy levels, at the same time. It's a great all round herb and not just a memorable name - it works!
Helps to get Nitric oxide levels up and is a great herb, for improving overall blood circulation and nourishing the blood.
Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo Biloba has been used for centuries to improve blood circulation and it increases blood flow and
oxygen throughout the body, while at the same time working to keep the blood vessels healthy and clear of obstructions.
Another important function in terms of sexual health it performs is that it helps increase the half-life of the endothelium relaxation factor, which helps obtain a strong and longer lasting erection.
Known as natures Viagra and with good reason.
Simply one of the best natural libido enhancers you can take. L'arginine is a non essential amino acid and actually helps produce nitric oxide in the body. When it declines, it causes numerous health problems and you can take it as a supplement. It acts as a circulatory herb and provides numerous other health benefits.
The above supplements can help you get a rock hard erection by combating the common causes of low libido - poor blood circulation and insufficient nitric oxide levels.
Get them ALL in the Best Herbal Sex Pills
If you want to enjoy better performance, stronger desire and more intense orgasms, try the above and you can do it naturally.
You will find the above combination and many other herbs to benefit sexual wellness and overall health, in the best herbal sex pills.