Tips for Wannabe Bloggers to Post Their First All-important Blog Entry
· Resort to major search engines like Google, Yahoo or MSN to look for free blogging websites or services. Initially, a free service can serve your purpose well. WordPress, Blogger and Blogspot are some of the popular free blog sites. However, there are hundreds of other websites that offer you free blog space.
· Register the name of your blog that is quite unique and attention-grabbing. But, be careful about using exaggerated words. Philosophically correct words can do the trick.
· Make use of the built-in blog templates offered by the website or create your own, if you’re not interested in free-for-alls.
· Invest a good amount of time in designing your blog template from the scratch. Stay away from potential disturbing factors like children, neighbors, pets etc. Microsoft FrontPage is an effective tool to aid in your design.
· After getting your template ready, the next important task is to upload it to your new blog’s URL address. Make sure that it is loaded properly with all your necessary features.
· Now make an auspicious beginning by clicking on the ‘Create Post’ link on your blog. The window will reload to come up with a number of text boxes to fill in.
· Put your fingers into operation on the keyboard to insert your first blog post information like post title, summary, body etc. If your content is yet to be written, you can look around to find great post ideas. You can go down the memory lane to write about a particular incident or event that is worth-mentioning.
· Once you make your first blog entry, waste no time to let your friends and family members know about your blog URL. This act is quite helpful as it brings your initial readers.
· While posting your first blog entry, you might have come across a text box called ‘Tags’ where you can put in a number of keywords related to your post. Visitors can get to know about your post if they use these keywords while searching for information over the Internet. This brings more traffic to your blog.
· If you own a website that deals in a specific product or service, you can promote it through your blog. Write relevant posts highlighting your product or service. Don’t forget to link keywords to your website in the post body. Put only an appropriate number of links in the body.
· Links can be easily put by selecting a particular word and then clicking on the ‘link’ button above the ‘body’ text box. A small dialog box will appear with the selected word. Simply put your website URL e.g. in the appropriate box and you’re done.
These are the simple steps you can take to create your first blog and first blog entry. The successful posting of one entry can definitely allure you to add more posts to your blog. Blogs are now a powerful medium to express your views, ideas and opinions. They can also promote your business in a big way. So, HAPPY POSTING!!!
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