Major Cause of Premature Ejaculation? Lack of Confidence
Premature ejaculation is the most common male sexual dysfunction, affecting anywhere from 20% to 40% of all men.
This inability to control and time your orgasm results from a combination of physical and mental factors.
This article discusses one of the most powerful mental factors: confidence.
If there's one mindset characteristic that's critical for lasting longer in bed, it's confidence.
You need to be sure that you can last.
Without that certainty (or worse, with performance anxiety), your endurance suffers.
However, if you've been suffering from premature ejaculation, that sounds like a paradox.
You may be having trouble lasting longer in bed because you lack it.
Perhaps previous failures to last longer in bed have caused you to lose it How do you gain that confidence when you have none? Well, you can't necessarily snap your fingers and have it But it definitely helps to know where strong confidence comes from.
So where does it come from? It comes from experience.
More specifically, it comes from the experience of both success and failure.
And even more specific than that, it comes from having the certainty that you'll be able to do the job.
And certainty builds with progress.
Even lasting one extra minute will build your confidence.
If confidence is the most important positive mental characteristic, then what's the most harmful negative mental characteristic? That would be performance anxiety.
Performance anxiety is a big cause of premature ejaculation.
The best thing to do about performance anxiety is to put it into perspective.
Performance anxiety is anxiety about the future.
So zoom out and take a wider view of time.
It's helpful to realize that even if you screw up and ejaculate too fast, that in a few hours, a day, a week - it won't matter.
That embarrassing moment is over.
Too many people live their lives being controlled by the future or the past.
Don't be one of them.
Let go of negative past experiences.
Stay in the present moment.
The best way to stay in the moment is to practice deep breathing.