Instructions for a LEGO City Tow Truck 7638
- 1). Flip the car base piece upside down. Attach a white 2-by-6-stud plate to the bottom of the 4-by-6-stud section. The piece should meet the side of the middle section of the base.
- 2). Attach two red 2-by-1 plates to the centers of the base, touching the middle section or white plate.
- 3). Place the axle pieces on the bottom of the base, so they touch the red plates you installed earlier. The pegs on the axle should face away from each other to form the axle.
- 4). Cover the center of the axle, white plate, and part of the middle with a 2-by-6-stud plate. Place a 2-by-2-stud white plate on the underside of the other axle.
- 5). Flip the model over. Attach two red 2-by-1 plates inside the seat base, parallel to the sides and nearest the white plates. Attach the gray 2-by-1-stud slide plates atop the white plate below.
- 6). Place a blue 4-by-1 brick with side knobs on the back of the vehicle, which is the end with the white plate underneath. Attach two of the wheel wells to the back of the vehicle so they cover the axle and touch the blue brick.
- 7). Attach two 2-by-1 upward angled bricks next to the wheel wells, so the narrow tips face outward. Place a 2-by-1 flat plate with an angled handle between these two bricks.
- 8). Cover the wheel wells, black pieces, and blue brick with a pair of 2-by-4-stud white plates. Place a black 2-by-1-stud handle plate so it points inside. Cover this with two black ventilation plates, and place two red 1-by-4 plates on the outside.
- 9). Attach four 1-by-1 hook plates to the tips of a 2-by-4 red brick. Place these on the red plates inside the seat base. Behind this place a yellow 2-by-2 curved brick, and put a 2-by-1 with Technic holes on top of that.
- 10
Build two road flares out of white 1-by-1 cones and red lamps. Place these inside the boxes, and place them behind the red brick in the middle of the car, with the handles facing outward. - 11
Place a black upward-angled 2-by-1 brick over the front wheel axle. Put a black 2-by-1 brick behind these. Repeat on the other side. - 12
Attach a white 2-by-2 plate and a blue chair piece on top of each other, over the left front axle on the truck, next to the upward angle brick. - 13
Attach a blue 4-by-1 brick with front knobs, and the two wheel well pieces to the front of the car. - 14
Build the front bumper using a 2-by-6 plate, a red 4-by-1 plate centered on one half. Attach two black ventilation plates to the front of this, and two headlights on either side. Below this, attach two bumper pieces on the bottom half, then connect this to the front of the vehicle. - 15
Cover the two sides of the car with white 1-by-8-stud plates. These should go over the front bumper and go to the back of the side black bricks. Cover the front of the vehicle with a white 4-by-4 plate, between the two side pieces you just attached. - 16
Put a red 1-by-6-stud brick behind the chair, between the white sides. Place 1-by-1 red bricks just in front of this piece, on the side. Place the two doors on the sides of the car, in front of the 1-by-1 bricks. - 17
Build the hood of the car using three 2-by-3 angled bricks. Attach the tools to the hooks in the middle of the vehicle. - 18
Place two red 1-by-2 angled bricks facing the back of the car on top of the boxes. Place a 1-by-6 brick in front of these pieces. - 19
Build the tow hook. Attach the tweezer-shaped piece to the yellow brick in the middle of the car. Place the two 2-by-1 hook plates on top of each other, with the hooks facing away from each other. Clip this piece to the handle brick, and to the tow hook. - 20
Build the back bumper using a 1-by-6-stud plate, two yellow 1-by-1 plates, 1-by-1 red plates, and an angled handle plate. - 1). Place a white 2-by-2 plate on the center of a 2-by-4 brick. Place the winch base on top of this piece. Place black 3-by-1 bricks on either side.
- 2). Push the black thread into the winch cylinder, and tie it off inside the piece. Place this inside the winch piece.
- 3). Place a 2-by-1 brick with a Technic hole on the side. Place the Technic spacer on the end of the Technic rod, and push the handle on the top of the rod. Push this into the center of the winch.
- 4). Tie the tow hook to the end of the string and wind the string up.
- 5). Attach the winch to the middle of the car. Lead the string over the tow bar. Place this inside the groove in the middle of the car. Place a red 2-by-1 angled brick on top of this. Place two red 1-by-1 plates on the tops of these angled bricks.
- 6). Place two red 2-by-1 tall bricks on the sides of the cabin, in front of the winch. Attach the decals to the sides of these. Place the windshield on the front of the truck. Place red 1-by-4-stud plates across the gap around the winch, between the tall bricks and the red 1-by-1 plates. Place the roof on the top of the car.
- 7). Stick the tow bar decals on the sides of the tow bar.
- 8). Build the siren and light bar. Attach a 4-by-1 white plate to the middle of a 6-by-1 plate. Place clear 2-by-1 flat plates on top of this piece, and the two angled plates on either side. Attach this to the top of the car, behind the roof piece.