What Is Thelemic Shamanism?
- Practiced across the globe since the early days of man, shamanism encompasses a wide variety of techniques designed to bring an individual in tune with nature and the spiritual universe.
- Derived from an ancient Greek noun, the word thelema describes the following of one's own will, purpose or wish. The phrase "Do what thou wilt" comprises the cornerstone of the thelemic religion.
- Crowley's work "The Holy Books of Thelema," describes the ethical code and tenets of thelema. Primary among this collection is "The Book of the Law," considered to be the chief manual of thelemic instruction.
- Thelemic shamanism explores the practice of "magick," spelled as such to differentiate it from stage magic, while defining the philosophies and techniques developed and utilized by Crowley.
- The utilization of thelemic magick, as practiced in thelemic shamanism, includes traditional religious approaches, such as prayer and meditation, in addition to more occult-centric approaches, such as astrology, numerology, alchemy and eastern mysticism.