Giving Thunderous Orgasms To Women During Sex Without Using Your Fingers Or Tongue - Do It Tonight!
Here is how I do it every time without fail and solidify myself as the best my girl has ever had.
First, I take my time with lots of foreplay.
Women have to be in an aroused state of mind for an extended period of time before they can climax, and the more diligent you are about giving her foreplay, the closer she will be to that magical moment when intercourse begins.
Then you don't have to last nearly as long as you would if you rushed your way through foreplay.
When I first insert my penis into her, I start out slow, soft, and sensual.
This will completely relax her body and relieve her of any tension she may be carrying.
A woman has to be completely relaxed to have a good climax so you might as well get her to that point early on.
Once she starts moaning and really getting into it, I up my own intensity.
I excite her with some dirty talk and I ask her what I can do to make her come.
A lot of times there is something specific that a girl wants, but women oftentimes are too shy to vocalize it without being prompted.
That is why it is so important for guys to ASK and COMMUNICATE during sex.
When I can tell that a woman is about to go over the edge and have a full climax, I like to start thrusting hard and deep with my large penis.
The friction and stimulation that this creates will send indescribable waves of ecstasy through her body and you will be responsible for giving her the most powerful climax she has ever had!