Explore Foreign Lands in the Comfort of your Own Car
Thanks to the Channel Tunnel and faster ferries, exotic experiences on the continent are closer than ever, and taking your own car abroad often means less hassle. However, drivers should always ensure they carry out appropriate research before taking their car to foreign lands - from simple matters like remembering to drive on the right in certain countries, to making sure their car insurance covers accidents abroad.
If you're taking a short break in Europe, your car is still regulated by UK law, but motorists should always find out if there are additional requirements according to each country's individual laws. Drivers in Spain, Italy and Austria, for example, need to ensure they keep a reflective jacket in their cars so they will be easily spotted in the event of a roadside breakdown.
Similarly, anyone still making use of speed-trap detectors could face heavy police fines in countries such as France, where the devices are outlawed, while the level of alcohol consumption permitted for drivers abroad is often much lower than in the UK. Even beyond the legal issues, drivers can save stress and time when driving abroad by finding out the best times to travel, particularly when visiting major European cities during rush hour.
Wherever you're driving overseas, you need to be able to prove ownership of your car when questioned, as well as ensure that your vehicle is roadworthy and up to date on its tax. If your journey remains within the European Union, your motor insurance certificate should prove to be a sufficient alternative to a Green Card, and motorists from the UK should also ensure that their cars are branded with the appropriate 'GB' sticker if their license plates do not already include this as standard.
Finally, if your car insurance does not already include European breakdown cover, you will usually be required to tell your insurer when you're planning on taking your vehicle to the continent, with the option of extending your policy to incorporate European car insurance for a limited time.
Discovering foreign countries from the comfort of your own car can be a safe and convenient way to see the sights of Europe on your own time schedule. By keeping abreast of local road laws, you can look forward to a stress-free holiday in Europe's holiday hotspots without having to rely on public transport.