Magic Words
Some of these words have been brought back into the forefront lately by the socialization of Ho'oponopono, which is an ancient Hawaiian practice of forgiveness and reconciliation. These words are as follows:
Thank you.
I'm sorry.
I love you.
Please forgive me.
I have added, for my own personal exchanges, "What can I do to make it better?". If you say those words to someone, it pretty much diffuses the anger that they are feeling towards you and/or shifts the mood.
Imagine if you are raging mad at someone for some slight and they come at you with the above listed words. Are you going to be able to stay upset at them?
I have also learned that sometimes it is just not worth carrying on the argument, fight or disagreement. There are also people with whom you will never, ever win. Rather than keep the disagreement going on and on, I just use the above words. Take this like I mean it, not like it may sound. Even if I don't necessarily think I was wrong, or agree with the other person's point, I still want the disagreement to end and the negative energy to dissipate. Therefore, I have no issue saying the magic words. If it calms the energy down, and stops the person from continuing on with their anger and frustration, I win in the big picture. I'm over the ego need to win the argument or be right all the time. I would much rather live in peace than be right.
On the flip side of this, there are some words that need to be eliminated from our conversations, thoughts and vocabularies. Those words are:
to be
Any use of these words, for the most part, puts things into the future and does not put them in the present. If you have a goal, which feels better when you hear it? "I am trying to achieve this goal." or "I am achieving this goal."? How many people every day do you hear say, "I'll try.". By saying that, they give themselves the opportunity to fail. "I sure do hope I can do this!" rather than, "I am doing this." is another example.
For today, look for chances to eliminate the negative words and incorporate the magic words and see how your life changes. See what you feel in your core. See if you feel empowered. Words, spoken or thought, are just so powerful. Use your words wisely today.